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Welfare Requirements...space Etc

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Hi all

Looking through the welfare requirments about pace for children it says 2 yrs old 2.5 m sq and 3-5 yrs 2.3 m sq. Is this free space or total size of the room? so taking typical day we have 5 2yrs old and 10 3 yrs olds so if working it out correctly must have a room at least 36 m sq (sorry just cant visualise it! Is that big?). It also says that there must be able to be ease of access (or something like it). rason why i am asking i that at the mo we are in a huge hall but we have been offered a classroom with the school next door. supervisor is not sure. We think it is too small for us (plus there are other issues) However, berore meeting at the school we need to know exactly where we stand. Space is the first issue we are looking at.


The other thing is that if we were to move am i right in thinking we have to re-register with OFSTED ie numbers allowed may be different due to space? Would they actually come out and have a look at the room with us and make recommendations?


Other issues are sharing of toilets with reception, year 1. Not having our own front door. (class i at back of building and have to go past other classrooms to the door ......no free flow outside. All children would have to go outside at particular time even if they didnt want to.


Loss of kitchen to do baking activities..not sure if can use school one as they are trying to make dinners.


Anyone else moved into a school while working at pre-school. What horror storis have you got to tell me?


We want to still be independent ie have close contact with the school and foundation unit but have to join in with school assemblies or really be answerable to the teacher!! We would still be committe run


Regarding space, it means the usable space available to the children. So you can't count toilets, kitchens, fixed cupboards or sinks, passageways or space used solely by staff. It has to be the space the children are actually going to use to play in.


Pretty sure you will have to be re-registered rather than a variation as you are moving to completely new premises. Why not give Ofsted a ring to double check?

Posted (edited)

Thanks for that. did think it woud be re-register. As for usable space...say there are a coupe of tables in the room do you include that as useable space?

Sorry hard to explain!

Edited by marley

I think if they are fixed, then you need to discount this as usable space but am open to correction!


You are right Beau. When we moved out of school into the chapel (temporarily, for 30 weeks - 7 years ago) Ofsted came out to have a look at the room we'd be using and she got her tape measure out, asked us to move some furniture out of the room if we could, to gain space (there were a few old pews stored in there) and she did her sums and dropped us to 16 at a session instead of 20. We have only 2 toilets, and they take that into account too.

We were issued with a new certificate stating the areas we could use, but we didn't re-register. You need to ask if someone could come out and have a look at the new room before you commit yourselves.


We moved from a church hall to school 6 years ago. We re-registered in the 6 weeks holiday before opening in the September. They came out and measured up and said we could have 40 children (up from our 20 at the church). But we need to have that many in as our rent is very expensive!! We are now having trouble with our lease agreement, according to the HT the HT before had got it all wrong and now the LA have to be involved as it is their premises and the school can't rent them to us without their intervention/say so!! xD All a nightmare, but we don't have to pack away every night!! :o

LA have to be involved as it is their premises and the school can't rent them to us without their intervention/say so!!



That's interesting to know - thank you

That's interesting to know - thank you

Interesting isn't the word I was thinking of, b***dy expensive, two words for you!!

Interesting isn't the word I was thinking of, b***dy expensive, two words for you!!



Language Timothy!


It's just that we may be in this position soon, and I'm not sure the school has thought of these implications


We have been charged by the hour for our rooms for the past 6 years, now LA have stepped in and are saying that we haven't been charged enough as utilities etc haven't been taken into consideration!! I wouldn't mind so much but we pay nearly £13000 per year for 7 session a week 38 weeks a year!! :o


Goodness! That's an incredibly high rent! You could pay a mortgage for that!

We have been charged by the hour for our rooms for the past 6 years, now LA have stepped in and are saying that we haven't been charged enough as utilities etc haven't been taken into consideration!! I wouldn't mind so much but we pay nearly £13000 per year for 7 session a week 38 weeks a year!! :o

Goodness me - you haven't got an extra 0 there have you?!?



I wouldn't mind so much but we pay nearly £13000 per year for 7 session a week 38 weeks a year!!

If you don't mind my asking, how much does that work out per hour? :o



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