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Questionnaire For Practitioners

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We dont have a TV either, well we do but it's been out in the cupboard since I took over. We do have a laptop on which we watch Mr Tumble (is that right?) this is about once a month and I think about 20 minutes, it is to help promote the use of makaton in the centre. The parents are aware and think the use of makaton is great and are very impressed when their children show them signs.


No TV here either and no I dont feel it is appropriate. We offer full day pre-school provision to parents who want it and find no need for TV at all in those 7 hours.


I know one or two places who use a TV occassionally. I dont see anything wrong in it so long as its used for a reason other than to keep the children quiet while staff do other things. It can be used to show a specific programme related to a theme or interest. Also I think some children attend nursery for longer hours than the staff and a time to chill and just stare into space with their own thoughts or to watch a favourite 10 minute show isnt going to be the end of the world.


Sorry couldnt open your questionaire :o


I've attached the questionairre in a word '97 doc, (into anita's post) in case that is the reason Rea couldn't open it.


The first question asks if you have a TV yes or no, I would assume that anita would still need a 'no' response to help with her data analysis, so even if your answer is 'no' can you consider completing and sending anita your questionairre via PM or attach to this post. She may need completed questionairres for her appendix. :o



Righto peggy ... 'nuff said





ooh, re-read my post, hope it doesn't sound too bossy, not my intent. xD:o



Cant open that one either Peggy :(



xD:(:o oh no, can't help there then. :(




Dont know what I've got Beau, just lately it seems if I want to open something I have to click find and then I get directed to a shell thingy. Not to worry, I'm sure anita will have loads of input from people. :o


Have PM'd mine - we don't have a TV in our setting but filled it in anyway. :o

The first question asks if you have a TV yes or no, I would assume that anita would still need a 'no' response to help with her data analysis,

And there is space for you to put in your own views as to whether you think it is appropriate, or not!


Have sent you a PM with my completed questionnaire, Anita!



I've attached the questionairre in a word '97 doc, (into anita's post) in case that is the reason Rea couldn't open it.


The first question asks if you have a TV yes or no, I would assume that anita would still need a 'no' response to help with her data analysis, so even if your answer is 'no' can you consider completing and sending anita your questionairre via PM or attach to this post. She may need completed questionairres for her appendix. :o



Thank you Peggy, this is why we need you ladies on this forum, where would we be without the help of others? I know that I could not do without this forum, so thanks again.

Dont know what I've got Beau, just lately it seems if I want to open something I have to click find and then I get directed to a shell thingy. Not to worry, I'm sure anita will have loads of input from people. xD


:o Now you're speaking the same computer language as my mum. One time she rang me up to ask what she should do about the green plates that kept popping up on her computer! :(

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