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What A Day!


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So today:


Our Chair has declared that she has just started her 7th week of medical treatment for depression and is hoping it will soon start to work.


Our new member of staff has told us that her sister has been diagnosed with breast cancer and is having an op tomorrow.


A parent has said her brother-in law has just been diagnosed with Leukemia so she may be away from home for a while and 'possibly can't do her parent rota session' (I told her to cross it off her list and not to worry unless coming in would take her mind off things!) We are learning about Chinese New Year this week and have a 'Wishing tree', her child wished 'that everybody would be happy' and Mum said 'He didn't say that did he!!!?' but obviously hasn't realised that he may pick up on things (she is a teacher!)


Plus we also have a mum who has been diagnosed with cancer, whose child wishes for his mum to be a princess and says she is very sick


sometimes it break your heart




oh gosh that is very sad - and i thought i was having the worst day of my life - thanks for putting it into perspective for me Rachel x :o


I realise I wasn't in the right place for this it was just where I was should have been in lounge or somewhere sorry. Happy for someone to move the post


Hehe, sometimes you just gotta chat - trouble shared and all that..


Sorry you are having such a rubbish week. Surely it can only go uphill from here!


Thinking about you


Thanks Hali


But everybodys worst day is their WORST day just that everything seemed to come at once!,




aawww certainly makes you think about your life doesn't it .....my friend has just discovered her son has his cancer back - he is only 4 and fought through one bought of it already - life is so unfair for some families. :o


Hey forgot to mention the parent who has just left for New Zealand for three weeks and 'forgot' to tell their son'


It justs get easier doesn't it?




it sounds like you have had a terrible day rachelllps. hope tomorrow brings some smiles. mrsW.x


I guess some days are just like this - and all you can do is keep going, give what support you can and understand that you can't solve everyone's problems or make them better.


And most importantly - be prepared to support each other as a team. It can be hard to take on board everyone's pain and trouble and emerge intact!




Hey, Sorry to hear you've had such a bad day.I just thought i'd share with you my quote of the day in hope that it would make you smile.

I work in a preschool and like most of you we have been talking about Chinese New Year today.As part of our learning we had been practising how to say the equivalent of happy new year in chinese.

At the end of the day i was talking to some of the parents and children about what we had done in the session. I said to him can you remember how to say happy new year in chinese? he responded and i quote "happy new year in chinese". Luckily his mum found it amusing.




I think the worst thing is not the adults problems, although we are sympathetic when they are shared, but how these are shared with the children, or how they are dealt with by the parents/with children/with us.



What a terrible day, it makes our mystery 'pooh in the urinal' look far less bad!! :o



I take it you don't mean a bear........

What a terrible day, it makes our mystery 'pooh in the urinal' look far less bad!! xD

Well at least Tigger will know where to find him now! :o


Today started brilliantly as other staff were excited that at last my older bother and I had met for the first time in our lives ( He is 74 and I am 68), and everything went well..


A liitle later it was time to start the salaries and remember to give everyone a rise - that 's still a positive.


Suddenly all change , a man arrived at the front door to say he needed us to forgive him because 10 years ago he burgled us and stole two hundred pounds, I point out that I would remember that sort of situation but he is adamant. He wanted me to have a remote controlled plane, but I refuse - ot too sure about it's owner. Then he falls to his knees and says he has found God and this his how he has to say sorry. I say the best thing he can do is to complete his rehabilitation and save his money to support himself without stealing. we shake hands and he leaves. I then contacted our local pschiatriv unit who pas me over to their police officer who says he will investigate. Yes harry is known to them and he is due for an assessment today. I make out an incident report and tell staff our plan of action should he return.


Later I get a frantic phone call from my accountant who says that my tax due are "horrendously" high, I become hot and sticky when did I make enough profit to need to pay high taxes? Luckily I have the money and I know for sure next year they will be less.


After all this I am ready for a dark room and a cold flannel on my forehead, but no the day hasn't finished yet. I feel it is necessary to make sure the burgular alarm is working and the CCTV cameras are active. I tell the cleaner not to open the doors and to ring 999 if necessary.


Well lets hope everyone has abetter day tomorrow .


I hope that tomorrow is a better day for you all and that you find the right words for whatever situation you find yourself in.

How amazing to meet your brother after all this time. hope the meeting went well and was not overshadowed by the rest of the day.


NickySussex :oxD


Gosh, Ednaloy what a day you've had! Sounds like you handled it with aplomb!


Well done you!




Rachellps and ednaloy it sounds like you have both had rotten days! :o


Thankfully, and I say thankfully because I have just read both of your posts, mine was just that awful Monday feeling, which I do get every Monday as I spend all my time rushing about between placement, school, son's homework and tesco, I find that there just aren't enough hours in the day!!


As always when you hear of someone elses troubles you realise that your own aren't quite as bad.


Tomorrow is always another day, so start afresh armed with the knowlege and understanding you both clearly already have and use it to support others.


As my dad always says "god only gives you, what he thinks you can handle"!!


Sometimes I have wondered about this statement, but realise now that although things seemed really hard and unbearable at the time, without an end in sight, I have got through them and I would like to think I have come out the other end all the stronger for it!


take care x


Thank you for your kind wishes for tomorrow , but it wasn't all bad.


The older children made bird cakes and carried them home triumphantly and the younger children had a great day.


One little lad pulled himself up and took some steps unaided and all the sixteen to twenty month olds are chatting in phrases of three to four words. They were all observed to be sharing space and equipment and only Lizzie decided to use a rainmaker as a weapon and luckily she was stopped before she made contact.


I guess this is why we work as we do, its usually the little things that make the job so special.


Oh yes when I was returning from the accountant I met two sets of "old " parents who told me that their children still speak about the nursery with great fondness and they are nearly twelve, brill.......


Best wishes everyone. :


I'm really sorry to hear that you had such difficult days. Mine too wasn't the best so I can really sympathise with you. However, today is another day and the sun is shining so I hope it will be slightly more positive. :o


Well to add to the "poo" sagas. We had a mystery poo in our house outside, this happened last week as well. We know it wasn't an animal as it was all checked before the children came in. By trial and error we think we have identified the culprit. So I will asking his key worker to be doing "observations" on this child to notice any patterns so we can plan for his learning to use the toilet from now on lol.


I bet you never thought you could justify this through the EYFS?




Oh goodness! makes my day seem humdrum by comparison! (Although it wasn't as we made a fantastic pentagon den!, I'll upload the pix later)

mine got no better today either CO alarm went off again had to evacuate building - ho hum !!!!!!!! :o

and on the bright side hali - it meant our Brownies has been cancelled so I could relax rather than rushing off out again as soon as I got in!



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