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Suitability Interview For Chair Of Committee?

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Guest MaryEMac

I was told last week by another playgroup leader that the chair of the committee has to have a suitability interview with ofsted. Please tell me that they have got hold of the wrong end of the stick, because if this true then we will never ever get another chairperson. Please, you knowledgable souls, can you put my mind at rest.Thank you.




I believe the person in charge has to have one, so if your chairperson is the nominated person in charge, then I would think that this will be the case


When I had mine Ofsted said that the chairperson would be having an interview too. That was 4 years ago and we've had two Chairs since-still no interview for them so I don't think chairpersons are their top priority. You never know though so I would warn the chairperson just in case.


Hi - as supervisor I had mine. But none of our chairs ever had. I too think its always an option for Ofsted - but not sure what they can ask a newly chair with no early years experience. Would be an intersting chat?


Does any one have a chair that's had an interview recently??? - I agree don't think high on their priorities - if we all change chair once a year. That's a lot of interviews and time and expense for ofsted.


When we set up privately it was just me who had the suitable person interview!!


I think it depends who is named as the person in charge on a day to day basis.


Our chair had one year before last. We will be loosing her in October and no sign of any new committee members at all!! :o We lose all 3 officers and all except 1 committee member!! xD


Our chair was told that 4 years ago now.. still waiting... but comment was if she was leaving or only for a short while they would not bother....so long as the day to day person in charge had one..




Our past 2 chairs have had interviews not sure but think they were over the phone, plus the supervisor whos in charge of the day to day running of the group had a face to face interview. Should happen again soon as vice chair taking over in April

Guest MaryEMac

Thanks for your thoughts everyone. Not sure that I will say anythingto this chairperson as she will be standing down in July. Mind you, thinking back to our inspection the inspector did ask to speak to her. When ( if) we get a new chairperson I may drop it into the conversation quickly once she has settled. :o .


Thanks Mary


Our chair had one about four to five years ago. If he managed anyone can as he knows nothing about what we do! I'm allowed to say that as he is my husband. Think they checked his id, looked at his CV ( but probably only because he brought it) and asked a few questions to which he answered either "ask the manager/Ofsted/LA advisor" or "refer to policies". Seriously if they do get round to coming or phoning I would be very surprised if they would expect them to know much more than they do know.


Our Chair had suitability check recently at which she was told she should know everything the Manager knows. Obviously she did not. The outcome is that she is having a second one next month. It is crazy. If she doesn't get through then do we close our doors? How on earth they expect an unpaid mum who is not qualified in early years to know everything I don't know. Ridiculous! And what happens at our next AGM? Should we be upfront and explain just exactly what is expected of a committee? Or hope that we don't have to go through this again for a while and keep schtum.

Our Chair had suitability check recently at which she was told she should know everything the Manager knows. Obviously she did not. The outcome is that she is having a second one next month. It is crazy. If she doesn't get through then do we close our doors? How on earth they expect an unpaid mum who is not qualified in early years to know everything I don't know. Ridiculous! And what happens at our next AGM? Should we be upfront and explain just exactly what is expected of a committee? Or hope that we don't have to go through this again for a while and keep schtum.


Welcome to the forum Sharon. :o


Things are changing in the childcare sector and I'm afraid there really is no place for committee run playgroups in their current form. It will be a case of groups having to evolve so that the management structure is different or they will ultimately close. Personally I think this is a good thing - having a Chair running the group who does not have any knowledge or grasp of Early Years ethos, statutory requirements or management experience is a complete nonsense. However, for this to happen there needs to be much more money forthcoming from the government and at the moment this just isn't happening!




Thanks for your reply. Us staff are needing to vent our frustrations at the mo, but you're right, committee-run pre-schools don't work properly. I don't know if I'm speaking out of turn, but a PLA representative met with our chair and secretary and told them the paperwork needed re-doing. I (when I was secretary less than 2 years ago) worked with the Leader to update everything recently. The current chair and secretary said they didn't know what was being asked of them by the PLA rep, despite being handed the operational plan to read up on and several chances to meet with the leader to discuss what their roles are. They now want to re-do all the paperwork. Call me fussy but I and Leader put a heck of a lot of time and effort to get it right and make it look professional too and this is all now going to be undone. And then at next AGM we're back to square one!


I'm being interviewed for the Deputy job tomorrow (I'm currently an NVQ3 Assistant) by people who know nothing! I even have to take minutes for them at committee meetings because they can't or don't want to do it. Grrr! xD


We wonder how easily it would be to re-open as a privately-run pre-school? Anyone ever done this?


Moan over.



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