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At the moment we have a 'small' calender on display in the cloakroom area for parents to put their names down to come into nursery. This is not used well but feel it's not really that inviting or noticeable.


I would like to make this area a more prominent feature so that I am ensuring parents can actually see it.....how do you display your parents rota and how effective is it in encouraging parents in?


Hi Mrsb

Our parent rota (done by one of the committee) is on bright yellow paper, huge and laminated. Its put on our notice board in the foyer. However our policy is that every parent who has a child attending the setting has to do at least one parent help session a half term. If you cant do it due to work commitments then a friend or family member should do it or there are a few ladies who will do it at a cost of £12. If you do not arrrange cover then then you will be billed a fine of £15. It is a condition of a place at the pre-chool and I must admit it does work well. The only exemption is pregnancy and having a sibling under 1yr. At the moment this is quite a few parents hence the need for more than one session per half term.


'...or there are a few ladies who will do it at a cost of £12'


Do you mean you pay some helpers? You might find that it constitutes a wage so I should check that.


If you're having problems with parents helping you could approach them and say you've noticed they havent put their name down, does this mean they can do any session and would they like you to fill it in for them?

Might get some responses!

If you're having problems with parents helping you could approach them and say you've noticed they havent put their name down, does this mean they can do any session and would they like you to fill it in for them?

Might get some responses!



What a good idea Rea! :o ....must try this as we also have problems in attracting willing helpers.


You might also like to say 'Is there any resaon you cant help out on Monday morning?' Most peoples automatic response to a question is 'No', so you'll havv 'em caught!


Our parents helpers rota is BLANK - but, I have just put together a new parent information booklet which I am sending out this week. Part of it talks about "parents skills and how we value them" - new parents have received the booklet already, and out of five parents, two parents have come and told me what they are good at ie, one music, and the other one is is very good at art. I am hoping that this will enable me to get them to come in for a specific activity - I think some parents find the idea of coming in a bit daunting - will let you know what my response is when the rest of our parents have received the new booklet.


dot :o


We put up a Parent rota and also give out an invitation to parents saying that 'we would love for you to share a session with us'. We make sure that they know both Mum's and Dads can come in. This was really successful last term and we had quite a few dad's but isn't so good this term. I like your idea of the booklet Dot, could you share what you put in it?



Hi Mrsb

Our parent rota (done by one of the committee) is on bright yellow paper, huge and laminated. Its put on our notice board in the foyer. However our policy is that every parent who has a child attending the setting has to do at least one parent help session a half term. If you cant do it due to work commitments then a friend or family member should do it or there are a few ladies who will do it at a cost of £12. If you do not arrrange cover then then you will be billed a fine of £15. It is a condition of a place at the pre-chool and I must admit it does work well. The only exemption is pregnancy and having a sibling under 1yr. At the moment this is quite a few parents hence the need for more than one session per half term.



In our area any funded children we are not allowed it a condition of a place at preschool that you MUST help out on a rota.. All funded places must be totally free and this includes setting conditions on parents helping or a fine... In fact this is no charge or costs due for a funded place at all.. no charge for anything.. we can ask for volunteers and voluntary contributions but cannot make it a condition or we lose the funding....


We no longer have parents rota. they help in other ways and are happier to do this... Particularly when they are not counted in ratios unless regular volunteers and CRB checked etc...




We haven't had a parent on the rota for a long while!! I don't like to pressure them into it, working with other peoples children isn't everyones bag!! (you do have to be a little loopy!!) Also if you have 'forced' them to do it and they don't want to be there you won't get the best out of them.


There are plenty of other ways parents can help. The most important thing for our parents to help out with is fund raising. We always need extra funds.


It is bad enough we have to twist people's arms to be on the committee, let alone making them come into a session. I know the benefits of coming in, and those who are able do help. We have lots of children dropped off by child minders too so that would also present a problem.

We haven't had a parent on the rota for a long while!! I don't like to pressure them into it, working with other peoples children isn't everyones bag!! (you do have to be a little loopy!!)


And what are you saying about all of us! You must have known what I was up to today with the policeman's hat balanced on my head behind the leader while she was trying to do a circle time... I was told to leave..... And the gelli Baff was fun too.... not forgetting the dancing, and music, and....... Mmmmmmm children think I'm loopy too.......You should see my sun hat covered with flowers.....




ours really took off when we asked them to come in in twos- 2 spaces on each day of rota-less daunting for them, they have an obviousn point of contact and they started to get to know other parents because of it.

Personally, feel very uneasy about the idea of fining parents.


I totally agree with shiny. We haven't had a parent rota for years as lots of parents work. In our Welcome Pack there are various forms for parents to complete and one of them asks if they can help in any way - help on walks, stay for a session, play any instruments, etc etc - no-one ticks the stay for a session.

They do help out on the Fundraising committee, Christmas party, our Fun Morning and also we only have to ask for help with extra adults when going out for longer walks etc.



Sue J


Hi - This is a bit I have put in our booklet about coming into pre-school - using our parents skills:


Your skills


"Parents and carers are the first educators, and we would love to know what you and your partner or greater family do for a job or volunteer for. Making these links enables us to enrich our pre-school community. Children love to see their parents come in and talk and gain a huge sense of self worth and well being from experiencing you share your life with us at pre-school.


........................ will let everyone know how many parents have volunteered by end of term. Dot :o


We used to have a wonderful parents rota- ran just like the OP- 1or 2 sessions each 1/2 term- only exceptions were pregnancy or feeding mothers- if you couldn't or wouldn't do one then you paid someone to do it for you It was a condition of the place - however 4 years ago along came OFSTED and said NO - you cannot make this a condition of a funded place- funded places are free places and you cannot make any charges unless it is for an extra service (far as I know this hasn't changed) you cannot assume that parents can come in or want to come in and most importantly you cannot pay monies to someone for something like this as it would be deemed as a wage. Anyway since then it has gradually gone downhill, mainly because we have more working parents, but so far this term ( five weeks in) we are yet to have one single parent come in and help.

Posted (edited)
In our area any funded children we are not allowed it a condition of a place at preschool that you MUST help out on a rota.. All funded places must be totally free and this includes setting conditions on parents helping or a fine... In fact this is no charge or costs due for a funded place at all.. no charge for anything.. we can ask for volunteers and voluntary contributions but cannot make it a condition or we lose the funding....


We no longer have parents rota. they help in other ways and are happier to do this... Particularly when they are not counted in ratios unless regular volunteers and CRB checked etc...



We used to have a wonderful parents rota- ran just like the OP- 1or 2 sessions each 1/2 term- only exceptions were pregnancy or feeding mothers- if you couldn't or wouldn't do one then you paid someone to do it for you It was a condition of the place - however 4 years ago along came OFSTED and said NO - you cannot make this a condition of a funded place- funded places are free places and you cannot make any charges unless it is for an extra service (far as I know this hasn't changed) you cannot assume that parents can come in or want to come in and most importantly you cannot pay monies to someone for something like this as it would be deemed as a wage. Anyway since then it has gradually gone downhill, mainly because we have more working parents, but so far this term ( five weeks in) we are yet to have one single parent come in and help.


Oooh now that is interesting!! Yet we were only OFSTED in April and it is written in our policies yet they said nothing??

Edited by marley

Thanls for your replies....I know there isnt a magic wand to wave to get parents in and I'm not really one to force them in with a fine if they dont.


My idea was to make the parent rota a bit more colourful and noticeable so at least they know where it is without a member of staff pointing it out every so often....we will see. There are many other ways parents help us.

Have you found though that when a parents does come in their child acts totally different ?!


Yes I do find children act differently when their parents are in for the day.


We have the quietest, most well behaved, pleasant, nicely spoken little boy. His mum came in one day last week and he was transformed into a child who ran every where, was really really loud, boisterous, and even a bit cheeky!! It was amazing like having a different child in the place.


Getting back to the thread, last term we had hardly any parent helpers, just a few steadfast ones, this term however we have most days on the rota filled and have even had a few parents put their names down to do one day each week for the whole term, I don't know whats changed?


em x


Do you think that this is something I should raise with the committee then? Is it a commitee decision or staff? Been this way for as long as I can remember! What with all the stuff I had about ratios etc etc etc with them they will love me! Mind you they are depending heavily on the parent help to make their ratios attractive otherwise we are running at the bear minimum. Must admit only 1 person been fined and she was noted for not paying fees either.....but again thats down to them (comm). Does concern me that the grant funded ones must pay but then again 90% of the time the parents cover it themselves. Most seem willing to do it. They play, sometimes run snack time, and help tidy and wash up paints etc. We do need all the help we can get especially if there are only 3 staff in, 2 reading stories (little ones and big ones) and only one person to tidy the whole lot up! Typical really isnt it?


This is a committee thing.. in our area the Chairperson has to sign an agreement every year with LEA that we will follow the conditions set for receiving funding.. this is just one of many...


we get an audit occasionally to check that we have claimed correct amounts and children are attending.. they come into the setting and look at registers, attendance, etc to ensure it is same as we have claimed...not had one for a while now, so may be due again...



Posted (edited)

Marley, I think this just goes to prove (yet again) that your OFSTED outcomes/reports etc just depend on your inspector and what they feel. I'm pretty sure though that you still cannot charge funded children for their 2.5 hours unless you are providing something in addition to this, Otherwise what stops us all providing 2.5 (or 3) hours but charging funded parents an additional fee as well? Our head of EY's told us that we coul charge funded parnets a deposit to secure places but had to refund it i.e before they left or deducting from top up fees.

Edited by lynned55
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