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  3. Wonderful pics zigzag, you all look amazing! Thanks sunnyday 🤗
  4. Last week
  5. Oh zigzag - such lovely photos, so pleased for them ❤️ Just look at your handsome boys!
  6. So pleased you had a fantastic day. they certainly lucked out on the weather! Such lovely photo's - thank-you for sharing 😊
  7. Me and my two boys. Such a proud Mum moment!
  8. You are all so kind to remember. It was the most perfect day. The weather was amazing and literally everything was amazing. My goodness I didn’t expect to get so emotional! What a proud day. They are so very much in love it’s just gorgeous.
  9. Could you use a virtual hug Mousie x It all sounds really tough
  10. Hi All the weeks just seem to fly by, only 2 weeks to Easter hols for those counting down 🙌 bring it on, it’s been hard term, challenging behaviours, staff resignation (prob the best thing tbh), and now all this government BS over funding 😡 enjoy the weekend everyone 😊
  11. 😊 Morning all. Another one waiting for a Zigzag update - really hope you enjoyed the day. I cut the grass yesterday, and hoping to do a bit more tidying up this afternoon. xx
  12. Good morning - 'tis Friday zigzag - how did it go? Weather was amazing here so hope it was the same for you... Hope that the weekend is kind to all x
  13. Hi - I'm sorry for the very delayed reply - I'm afraid this training isn't available outside of Bedfordshire. If you contact your local authority's public health team they may run similar training or may be able to signpost you to someone that does.
  14. Earlier
  15. Hi all, My name is Jess Green and I am a PhD student at Loughborough University, my PhD is looking at maths teaching in the early years. I am currently researching the attitudes and beliefs of early years educators (including reception teachers and TAs) towards early maths. This will form part of a research paper that will be published, then with the plan of using the insights from educators to create a professional development program supporting maths teaching in the early years. I would greatly appreciate if you could fill out this 15-20 minute survey that will support this research. https://lborocmc.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b9tma8PaKRNTPyS Many thanks! Jess Green
  16. Hi all, My name is Jess Green and I am a PhD student at Loughborough University, my PhD is looking at maths teaching in the early years. I am currently researching the attitudes and beliefs of early years educators (including reception teachers and TAs) towards early maths. This will form part of a research paper that will be published, then with the plan of using the insights from educators to create a professional development program supporting maths teaching in the early years. I would greatly appreciate if you could fill out this 15-20 minute survey that will support this research. https://lborocmc.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b9tma8PaKRNTPyS Many thanks! Jess Green
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  17. Hi all, My name is Jess Green and I am a PhD student at Loughborough University, my PhD is looking at maths teaching in the early years. I am currently researching the attitudes and beliefs of early years educators (including reception teachers and TAs) towards early maths. This will form part of a research paper that will be published, then with the plan of using the insights from educators to create a professional development program supporting maths teaching in the early years. I would greatly appreciate if you could fill out this 15-20 minute survey that will support this research. https://lborocmc.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_b9tma8PaKRNTPyS Many thanks! Jess Green
  18. I’ve had great skin once I got over the teenage spots, then six months ago I noticed bumps, rashes and tiny blisters. I ignored it and thought it would go away but then it started flaring up and getting very red. I finally went to the doctors and this is what I was diagnosed with. I’ve done lots of reading about it since and It’s been a real eye opener. So many triggers! Basically you have to work out what triggers you! But I’ve seen a lot of photos and my goodness what an awful condition it is for some people. I put mine down to an increase in my HRT patches as it started then!
  19. Oh zigzag - Rosacea - what rotten luck I'm so sorry it has struck now x Hope all goes well with the wedding - looks like a super day weatherwise ☀️☀️☀️
  20. Is it something that comes on with stress? Really hope it sorts itself before Thursday 🤞🤞
  21. Sunnyday glad you are both ok now, good news. Louby lou the wedding is on Thursday! They are very excited! And long range forecast is looking good as well, so fingers crossed. My family from Kent are travelling down today so excited to see them and my youngest son is coming down from London on Wednesday and I’m always excited to see him! I’ve just been diagnosed with Rosacea which is horrible, it’s just come out of nowhere, I blame the hormones! So so am hoping it can be camouflaged and doesn't flare up to badly on the day. Don’t want to look like a bloody clown in the photos!
  22. Phew! I’m pleased to hear it! The virus seems to have depleted in strength since the early days, thankfully, but they do keep warning us about different variants that sound worrying! When Mike had it early on, the hospital whipped him round anti-virals to take. We had to notify the hospital immediately if he tested positive and they were here with the meds within the hour!
  23. That made me laugh louby - poor Andy 🤣
  24. Hiya! Nothing exciting to report here either! Glad you're both virus free sunnyday 😊 I sitll havent had it 😳 But I did joke with Andy a couple of months ago that he should test himself- when he was showing 'man-flu' symptoms - nothing really bad just generally sorry for self unwell type thing, and he was possitve! Very quiet here, I hope everyone is ok? Zigzag- must be the wedding soon? Keep us updated on how is goes! (love a wedding- In a former life I made wedding dresses ❤️)
  25. Good morning - 'tis Friday How is everyone? We are 'virus free' here - both tested negative on Monday which was great. Nothing much to report from here - by 'eck the temperature has changed - yesterday we had rain, hail and even a few flakes of snow - brrrr Hope that the weekend is kind to you all x
  26. Sunnyday wishing you and Mr S a speedy recovery. Please look after yourself and don’t try to do too much too soon. louby loo I also send a virtual hug.
  27. Thank you 💐 xx It's actually not really us as such, but a few events that are truely lifechanging for those directly involved 😢, plus lot of other little things that make you realise how just lucky we actualy are.
  28. Year 6: Writing - Standardisation and Moderation Friday 25th April 09.00 to 15.30 Highpoint Centre This training will refresh delegates on the key processes in relation to Key Stage 2 writing. Delegates will take part in standardisation activities to develop their confidence in accurate assessment of writing using the teacher assessment framework. Delegates will then be given time to moderate their own pupil's work with colleagues from schools across the city. Please bring along the following • Exemplification materials for writing • Teacher Assessment Framework • Examples of pupils’ writing workbooks for pupils on track to achieve WTS, EXS and GDS Fee for training Southampton City Council maintained schools: £40 Academies, free schools, and other organisations: £45
  29. Oh louby I'm so sorry to hear that - sending a supportive virtual hug to you xxx
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