If you've been permitted by your child's setting (school, nursery, childminder etc.), then you'll be able to reply to an observation with another observation. This can be useful if you'd like to reply privately to a group observation, or reply with more details than a comment will allow (such as with media or a document).
Firstly, you'll need to go to the Observations tab (1), and click on the observation you'd like to reply to (2).
At the bottom of the page, click on the action 'Reply with an Observation'.
You'll then be taken to a page where you can create a new observation. See our tutorial here for a more in-depth look at creating an observation.
Your child/ren from the original observation will already be selected (1); but if you have more than one child on Tapestry then you can change the child/ren in the reply by clicking on 'Select Children' (2).
Then fill out the observation as usual, with a Title and Notes (3), and adding Media or Documents (4) if you'd like.
At the bottom, under 'Links', you'll you see that it's linked to the original observation that you're replying to (5). Once you're happy with your reply, click on 'Save' (6) either at the top or bottom.
You'll then see your observation complete with a link (1). You can click on 'Show full list' (2) to see more information about the link (3).
And that's it! When you go back to the Observations feed, you'll be able to see the observation/s with an eye to indicate a link.
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