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Everything posted by AlexandraTapestrySupport

  1. If you've been permitted by your child's setting (school, nursery, childminder etc.), then you'll be able to reply to an observation with another observation. This can be useful if you'd like to reply privately to a group observation, or reply with more details than a comment will allow (such as with media or a document). Firstly, you'll need to go to the Observations tab (1), and click on the observation you'd like to reply to (2). At the bottom of the page, click on the action 'Reply with an Observation'. You'll then be taken to a page where you can create a new observation. See our tutorial here for a more in-depth look at creating an observation. Your child/ren from the original observation will already be selected (1); but if you have more than one child on Tapestry then you can change the child/ren in the reply by clicking on 'Select Children' (2). Then fill out the observation as usual, with a Title and Notes (3), and adding Media or Documents (4) if you'd like. At the bottom, under 'Links', you'll you see that it's linked to the original observation that you're replying to (5). Once you're happy with your reply, click on 'Save' (6) either at the top or bottom. You'll then see your observation complete with a link (1). You can click on 'Show full list' (2) to see more information about the link (3). And that's it! When you go back to the Observations feed, you'll be able to see the observation/s with an eye to indicate a link. Back to contents page
  2. Hi Keyup, Just to let you know that we've now introduced a new Care Diary/Accidents setting where full staff members, alongside managers, can now approve accidents. This is not permitted by default, but can be permitted by going to Control Panel > User Permissions > Staff > Care Diary (or 'Accidents' if you have Accidents only enabled) > Approve accidents entered by staff. I hope you find this useful 🙂 Best wishes, Alexandra
  3. This tutorial will show you how to add flags to observations using the Tapestry Android app. The first thing you'll need to do is make sure that you have flags enabled. This can only be done by a Manager using the browser version at tapestryjournal.com as they'll need to access the Control Panel. For information on how to do this please see our tutorial on Enabling Flags. Once you have flags enabled and have logged into the app, click on '+' at the top to add an observation. You can make any of the changes to your observation, such as adding a title or changing the status, and then add a flag by tapping on 'Select' in the box with 'Flags' in it (1). If you have the EYFS 2021 Flag set enabled you'll also see a reference material section you can tap on (2), with links to relevant information to support your observations. Once you select 'Flags', You'll then see all of the available flags that you have enabled. You can click on any of the relevant flag sets to view and select them for the observation. In this case I'm going to select a flag from 'EYFS 2021'. When viewing the specific flag set you'll see another shortcut to the reference material (1), and you can tap on the star icon (2) to favourite this flag set so it will show at the top of the Flags screen for quick selection. Once you've made your selection by ticking the flag set and relevant area/s (3), tap on "Done" (4) at the top of the screen. You'll see an overview of the flag set(s) that you've selected for this observation (1). If you're happy with the selection then just click on "Done" (2) to return to the observation. Then you'll be able to see the observation overview with the flag added (1). If you're happy with this then just select "Upload" (2), and that's it! Back to Main Tutorials Page
  4. Hi Sarah, No problem at all. That's great to hear 😀 Do let us know if there's anything else we can help with! Best Wishes, Alexandra
  5. Hi joyfulspirit, It sounds like Memos would be the best thing for this. They aren't added to a child's journal and you can tag specific children for just their relatives to see, and even upload documents if needed. The Memo will need to be saved on the browser version of Tapestry first, and then comments can be added on the app. You can refer to our tutorial for setting up and adding Memos here 🙂 Best Wishes, Alexandra
  6. Hi AliceinWonderland, The ability for relatives to see their child's key worker is something we're looking into adding to Tapestry! So I've made a note of your interest about this, and we'll let you know once it's possible 🙂 Best Wishes, Alexandra
  7. Hi MarshaD, I'm afraid it won't be anytime soon. It's a large feature and depends on many factors, so unfortunately it's not possible to give a timeframe either. But we'll be sure to update you on it's release! Best wishes, Alexandra
  8. Hi MarshaD and GFCCCC, A management system including invoicing, a register etc. is something we're looking into adding to Tapestry. So we'll let you know when there's been a development on this 🙂 Best wishes, Alexandra
  9. This tutorial is going to show you how to add flags on the iOS app. The first thing you'll need to do is make sure that you have flags enabled. This can only be done by a manager on the browser version as they'll need to access the Control Panel. For information on how to do this please see our tutorial on Enabling Flags. Once you have flags enabled and have logged into the app, click on "+" at the top to add an observation. You can make any of the changes to your observation, such as adding a title or changing the status, and then add a flag by selecting "Pick flags". You'll then see all of the available flag sets that you have enabled. You can click on any of the relevant flag sets to view and select them for the observation. In this case I'm going to select a flag from the EYFS 2021 flag set. Once you've made your selection by ticking the relevant area/s (1), click on "Done" (2) at the top. Then you'll be able to see the observation overview with the flag added (1). If you're happy with this then just select "Upload" (2), and that's it! Back to Main Tutorials Page
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