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  1. News in brief New Features Activity Infographics New podcast episodes Hi Weavers, We hope you are all managing to stay well and safe during this difficult time. All our staff are working from home, but we are still offering a full service for our Tapestry users. We have also been working hard to add new features and create resources to help you with your remote teaching and learning and ensuring you can stay connected with children and families. If you have any ideas for tweaks to existing features or new features you think would be of benefit to you, please do get in touch with us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info. Let’s start by taking a look at the new features we’ve been able to add this month. Activities This brand new addition to Tapestry provides you with a catalogue of activity ideas added by our education team. You can browse this catalogue, move activities to your own collection where you can also add your own, and plan activities based on these ideas. Activities in your own collection and in the Planned Activities section can be shared with relatives so they can complete the activities at home. Activities can then be linked to observations to show the journey of an idea becoming an activity that is then experienced by a child or children. This playlist of videos will talk you through how to set up and use this on your account. Scheduling It is now possible to schedule posts on Tapestry (observations, memos and activities) to be released to parents/relatives at specific times of day and on specific dates of your choosing. It is very quick and easy to do; this tutorial talks you through how. Please note, this is only currently available on the browser version of Tapestry and the latest version of the iOS app. We are working on adding this to the Android app as well. Audio Files As well as photo, videos and documents, you can now add audio files to your observations, memos, activities and reflections of up to 30 minutes or 5GB on Tapestry. This can be done by using the ‘Add Files’ button within a post. Whilst you can see and listen to audio files on the app, at the moment it’s only possible to upload these through the browser version. Remember it is possible to access the browser version through a phone or tablet, you just need to use a browser on your device. App Updates There have been two recent updates to the iOS app which include several new features such as clickable links, extended video limits, the ability to open attached files and the ability to schedule observations. To access all these new additions, you just need to update your app from the App store, the most recent version is 4.1.9. You can also read this post for more details. We also have a new beta version of the Android app available which includes clickable links, extended video limits and the ability to open files attached to observations. This version of the app isn’t live to everyone on the Play store yet, but anyone can sign up to the beta. If you are interested in finding out more about this or signing up, have a read of this post. Activity Infographics We have had a fantastic response to our weekly activity infographics. We’re so glad so many of you are finding them helpful. Our activity infographics are a collection of fun EYFS activities that can be done easily with a child or children at home to support their development . Each week we take turns to focus on activities that correlate with either the Prime or Specific Areas of Learning. They are announced on our social media channels (Twitter and Facebook) every Thursday evening and they can be downloaded from our Coronavirus info page. On there you can also download all the previous weeks’ infographics too. Podcasts We are still recording weekly episodes of our podcast on a range of topics to help you with remote learning during the lockdown, including interviews with other practitioners with their tips and advice. You can find all our podcasts available on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts and over on our Simplecast page. Feature Focus: Notifications Now more than ever, it is important to maintain communication with parents/relatives at your setting. One of the helpful ways you can do this through Tapestry is by setting it so parents receive notifications when you add something for them to look at. You can make sure you have this option enabled by going to the Control Panel -> User Permissions -> Relatives -> Notifications. The option ‘Receive Notifications’ will need to be set to permitted . If you have this option turned on and parents are not receiving notifications, you can look at this tutorial which will talk you through what to do.
  2. The Activities feature on Tapestry can be used so your child's setting (school, nursery, childminder etc.) can share activity ideas with you and turn these into planned activities. If your child's setting has chosen to use this feature, you can find it on the browser version of Tapestry from the options at the top of the page. Please note, this feature is not available on the app, so you will need to be logged in to Tapestry through a browser. However, planned activities will appear on your main feed while using the app. We'll start by looking at planned activities. These are activities the school or setting have set for your child/children to complete. To skip to the section on our activities collection (activities which have been added but not necessarily been set as planned activities), click here. Planned Activities When you click on the 'Activities' option, you will be taken to the Planned Activities section (1). Here you will see all planned activities that have been shared with relatives and linked to your child/children (2) for you to do with them. If you're looking for a specific type of activity you can use the page filters to narrow down the activities you see (3). Clicking on the cog button at the end of a row of an activity (4) will give you the option to reply straight away to an activity with an observation (5). Also, if you have been given permission, you will see an option to download media within the activity (6). If you want to see more about an activity, you just need to click on the name of it (7). When you click into a planned activity at the top you will be able to see some information about it such as who created it and when. You will also be able to see the names of your child/children that have been included. If other children have also been included you will see how many but you will not be able to see their names (1). At the top you will also see the option to export the activity as a PDF (2). If the activity includes any media, photos and videos, these will be shown below the title (3). If the option for you to download media has been permitted, underneath the media you will see the option to download (4). In the yellow notes section you will see information about the activity itself, explaining what you need to do (5). If you see a section called 'Links to and from this Planned Activity' it means the activity is linked to activities in your setting's own collection or other observations (1). You can click on the 'Show full list' button to see what it is linked to (2). Once you click on this button you will see everything this activity has been linked to. In this case it is linked to an activity in the setting's own collection (1). This will be shown in chronological order with the green line indicating when this activity was added. If you don't want to see this section anymore, you can just click on the 'Hide full list' button (2). Finally, at the bottom you will see a section where you can add any questions or points of discussion you have. You can write these in the notes box (1) and then you just need to click on the 'Add Reply' button (2). Alternatively, if you are ready to do this activity with your child/children, you can click on the 'Reply with an Observation' option (3). This will allow to add an observation where you can show your child doing the activity and it will automatically link the observation to this planned activity. Our Activities Collection The other section within Activities that you can access is called 'Our Activities Collection'. This section is for activities that your child's setting have added but haven't yet been turned into planned activities. You can get to this by clicking on the tab at the top of the page (1). If you're looking for a particular activity you can use the search bar (2) or the page filters at the top of the page (3). Just like the Planned Activities section, for each activity you will see it's title, a profile image and some text from the notes. To see an activity fully, just click on it's title (4). Once you have clicked into an activity you will see any media that has been included (1). At the top you will also see a button the export the activity as a PDF (2). Underneath the media, you may see the option to download any attached photos and videos (3). Whether you see this or not will depend on your child's setting's user permissions. In the yellow box you will see any accompanying notes for the activity (4) and below that, you may see a section for you to ask any questions you have about the activity (5). Again whether you see this will depend on the setting's user permissions. If are you are allowed to comment, you just need to put your text in the notes box (5) and then select 'Add Reply' (6). So, that's the Activities feature on Tapestry. We hope you enjoy using it. Back to contents page
  3. We have now released an update to the iOS version of the app (4.1.9), for iPhones and iPads, which includes the ability to schedule observations on the app. You can see how to do this in this tutorial on how to add observations on the iOS app.
  4. To make it less confusing for relatives when they are setting up or resetting their password, we have changed the 'strong' password policy option for them. Now the two requirements are: The password must be at least 20 characters Must not be a common password, or an obvious variant of the school's name or person's name This change will not effect any existing passwords or password policies.
  5. In this tutorial we're going to cover how to add an observation using the Android version of the Tapestry app. To do this using the iOS app see this tutorial. While you can view view Memos and Planned Activities though the latest version of the Android app, it's not currently possible to edit them or create them using the app. You need to sign in via https://tapestryjournal.com/ to do this. Once you’ve logged in via the Tapestry app, you can add an observation by tapping on the ‘+’ button at the top of the screen. I'll now talk you through all the options on the add observation screen: 1) You need to add a title for your observation here 2) Use this section to add your notes 3) In the 'Pictures, Videos and Audio' section you can add media from your device library, or take a photo, video, or audio clip through the app on your device. 4) You can add children by tapping on 'Select children' 5) Assessments can be added by selecting 'Pick assessments from list' 6) You can add flags through 'Pick flags from list' 7) If you have the EYFS 2021 Flag set enabled you'll also see a reference material section you can tap on, with links to relevant information to support your observations. 8) If you have permission, here you can change the status of an observation from not in journal to either in journal or staff view only or scheduled 9) If you want to change the time/date of the observation, you can do that here 10) If you have the additional information field enabled, you will see this at the bottom 11) Tapping on 'cancel' will give you the options of either deleting the whole observation, or saving it as a draft 12) At the top you can see the status of the observation to remind you whether it will be added to a child's journal 13) Once you're done adding your observation, you can click on 'Upload' Selecting Children When you choose the 'Select children' option to add children to your observation you will be presented with a list of every child you can see on your account. At the top you have the option to select all children (1) and you can also search for a specific child using the search bar (2). If you want to select children from a specific group, you can tap where it says 'No filters' which will bring up the group filters you can select children from (3). One helpful new feature you will notice after you have made an observation on the new app is that in the Children section, you have the option to see children that have been included in a recent observation show up as a group and you can then quickly select this group to save you having to select the children individually. To see any groups of children you recently added to observations, tap on the icon of 4 children in the top right-hand corner (4). Now at the top you will see the children that have been recently selected and you can simply tap on this option to include them in your observation (5). To stop seeing previously selected children, tap on the four child icon in the top right-hand corner again. Otherwise to attach children, just tap on their names and you'll be taken back to the observation you're creating (6). Adding Media On the app you can either add media from your device library (1) or you can take a photo or video through the app to upload straight away to the observation (2). Once you have attached media to your observation you will see this appear above the select children option. If you tap on a photo you will get the options to edit the photo (1) or delete it from the observation (2). If you tap on the paintbrush icon you can then make edits to the photo including: Add emoji stickers, change the size or colour of the paintbrush. To draw on the photo you can use your finger. Crop the photo. Rotate the photo. Tapping on this pencil icon allows you to change the paintbrush to clear, which you can use to clear anything you've drawn on the photo. Clear any changes you've made to the photo. Cancel making edits. Save edits made. Adding Assessments Tapping on the 'Pick assessment from list' option will then bring up a page where you see a list of all the assessments you have enabled on your account. To assess with one, you just need to select it. Then go through and select your relevant subject and area. Add any of the relevant statements (1) and then press 'Done' (2) to go back to the Assessments main page. Here you'll be able to see that one statements from the assessment framework has been selected for the observation (3). To return to the observation just click 'Done' (4) once more. A handy feature is the ability to 'favourite' assessment frameworks. To find out how to do this, you can have a look at this tutorial. Adding Flags Selecting 'Pick flags from list' will allow you to see all of the available flags that you have enabled. You can click on any of the relevant flag sets to view and select them for the observation. In this case I'm going to select a flag from the EYFS 2021. Once you select 'Flags', You'll then see all of the available flags that you have enabled. You can click on any of the relevant flag sets to view and select them for the observation. In this case I'm going to select a flag from 'EYFS 2021'. When viewing the specific flag set you'll see another shortcut to the reference material (1), and you can tap on the star icon (2) to favourite this flag set so it will show at the top of the Flags screen for quick selection. Once you've made your selection by ticking the flag set and relevant area/s (3), tap on "Done" (4) at the top of the screen. You'll see an overview of the flag set(s) that you've selected for this observation (1). If you're happy with the selection then just click on "Done" (2) to return to the observation. Once you are finished adding your observation remember to tap on 'Upload' in the top right-hand corner. How quickly your observation uploads will depend on how large the observation is (if it has a lot of videos, especially if they are longer videos, this will make the observation larger) and it will also depend on the strength of your internet connection. If you are trying to upload a large observation or your internet connection is weak, this will become queued in the background. Let's have a look at what happens when an observation becomes queued. Queued uploads You can see if this has happened as at the top of your observation list it will say "[number of observations] upload queued". Tapping on that will show you any uploads that you have queued. As soon as the observation has finished uploading, it will move from this area onto your main observations list. If an observation is taking a long time to upload, we would recommend switching from WiFi to your 4G/5G. We would also suggest trying to upload in different areas in your location, preferably nearer the router. If after trying this, you are still not able to upload an observation, please try running this test here and sending the results to us at customer.service@eyfs.info. So, that's how to add an observation on the Android app. Linked below are tutorials on how to edit, delete and change the status of an observation, as well as how to save draft observations and how to reply to observations with another observation. Editing an observation on the Android app Deleting/changing the status an observation on the Android app Draft observations on the Android app Replying to an observation with an observation on the Android app Back to Main Tutorials Page
  6. The Care Diary function on Tapestry allows settings (schools, nurseries, childminders etc.) to input meal, toileting, nappy changes and sleep entries for a child and if they choose to, they can share these with parents and relatives. In this tutorial we'll look at this from the web version of Tapestry. If you're using one of our apps you can look at the Care Diary tutorial for iOS and Android instead: How to use the Care Diary on the iOS app How to use the Care Diary on the Android app If your child's setting decides to share Care Diary entries with you then you will see an option for 'Care Diary' at the top of the screen when logged in to the browser version of Tapestry (1). Click on this to view entries for your child/children. This is what the page will look like if there are any entries for your child. If you have more than one child in a setting, you'll see their names at the top with a tab for each child (1). Also at the top of the page you will see a box with the current date in it. This means you will only be viewing entries for that date. If you want to see previous entries, you can just click on the calendar button (2). Clicking on this button (1) will bring up a pop-up calendar where you can choose dates in the past to view entries for then (2). Back on the main Care Diary page you will see at the top of an entry it will tell you what kind of entry it is (1). For example in the below screenshot, we can see it is a meal entry. You will then be able to see details of the entry such as when it happened and who made it (2). It may be the case there are several Care Diary entries for you to view, in which case, you will just see them in a list which you can scroll through. Back to contents page
  7. If your child's setting (school, nursery, childminder etc.) permits it, you will be able to view and possibly edit, your child's About Me on Tapestry. This section allows settings to set questions so either they or you, can input specific information about a child. To do this you will need to be logged in to the browser version of Tapestry from tapestryjournal.com. Once logged in, just click on the 'Children' tab at the top of the screen. On this page you will need to select the name of the child you want to view the About Me for (1). Then from the drop-down, select 'About Me' (2). Remember here you will only see the names of children you have been linked to. If it says 'Enrolling' by their profile picture this means they aren't fully active yet and instead have been added as enrolling. It's not possible to use the full functionality of Tapestry with children that are enrolling, you can only view their Overview page and access their About Me. Now you are on your child's About Me page, you can scroll down to see all the different questions (1). At the top you have the option to export this page (2) and you might also have the option to edit it as well (3). If you have the option to edit and you press this button, you will then see a list of all the questions with boxes underneath where you can input your answers. Just like so: Once you're done just remember to press 'Save' at the bottom of the page! Now when you view your child's About me, you will see any answers you have filled in. They will be indicated by a different font to the question. Back to contents page
  8. News in brief New Features Tapestry security certificate changes Parent/relative tutorials Hi Weavers, We hope you are all managing to keep well and safe during this difficult period. All Tapestry staff are currently working remotely from home, but we are continuing to offer a full support service for Tapestry users. We understand the significant impact that the closure of settings to all but vulnerable children and children of Key Workers is having on staff and families. In response, we are working hard to add extra features to Tapestry and create supporting resources to help you and parents and carers with home learning. All announcements of new features are being put on this page. Here you can also find all the articles and downloadable resources we are creating as well as links to our relevant podcast episodes and FAQs. We hope you will find these new features and resources helpful. New Features Reports At the beginning of the month we launched our new Reports feature on Tapestry, replacing the previous system. All reports made on the previous system were transferred across to the new one. One of the biggest changes to the new Reports on Tapestry is the ability to make reports using a variety of assessment framework templates, including EYFS, KS1 & KS2, Montessori and SEND. Depending on the template you use, there are also additional features such as the ability to take a digital signature. You can learn how to use the new Reports system by following these video tutorials or the written tutorials in the ‘Reports’ section on our main tutorials page. Memos We released Memos in the wake of the setting closures to help with parental communication. You can use them to set work and share activities with parents/relatives. Memos work similarly to observations. You can link a memo to an individual child, groups of children or all children. This allows you to choose which relatives can see the memo. At the time of posting this newsletter, memos are only accessible on the browser version of Tapestry, but we are working on adding them to the apps. This tutorial will talk you through how to enable and use this new function. If you want your parents/relatives to be notified when you add a memo, we recommend you ensure they are set up to receive notifications on your account. This tutorial explains how to check this. Include documents in posts As well as photos and videos, you can now attach files such as Word documents, PowerPoints, PDFs and Excel documents to observations, memo and reflections. You can use this to share specific files, such as activity sheets and templates with parents/relatives. It’s not currently possible to view any attached documents through the app, instead you will see a note informing you to view them through the browser version. We are working on adding this functionality though. Extended video limits To help you communicate with your children and set activities for them remotely, we have temporarily extended the limits for videos added through the browser version of Tapestry to 10 minutes or 5GB. Unfortunately, this isn’t ready for the app versions of Tapestry yet, but we are working on adding it. Clickable links within posts To make it easier for you to direct families to other websites for work or activities for them to do with their children, we have now made links within observations and memos, clickable. This means a user will be able to click on the link, taking them directly to the website. Again, this isn’t available on the app versions of Tapestry yet but hopefully this be ready soon. Shortcut to split group observations To make it easier for you to split group observations we have introduced a shortcut button when doing this. Until recently you would have had to individually tick off the children you would like to have their own version of a particular observation. Now however, once you have clicked on the option to split a group observation, you will see a button at the top of the list of names saying ‘split all’. This will allow you to add individual notes, media or assessments to an observation.” This tutorial explains how to add and split a group observation. Option to disable notification types After listening to feedback from some of you about notifications on Tapestry, we have now added the ability for you to be able to completely disable specific notification types meaning you won’t receive an email or internal notification. This tutorial here talks you through how to change your notification preferences. Tapestry security certificate We are approaching the point where our security certificate for Tapestry will be renewed. We wanted to let you know that this time, we are planning to stop using ‘Enhanced Validation’ on the certificate. Enhanced Validation didn’t change how secure your connection to Tapestry was, but previously it could be used to establish you were on the correct website by showing a green box with the company’s name in the URL. In practice most people wouldn’t have done this check, therefore most modern browsers no longer show this. For more information about this, please see this post. Parent/relative tutorials Families will be increasingly reliant on using Tapestry to stay connected with staff, accessing activity ideas and sharing what they have been doing at home. For extra support on using Tapestry as a tool to facilitate remote teaching and learning, you can direct parents and carers to our range of tutorials specifically designed for relatives. You can find this page here. Reminders If your account is up for renewal, will be up for renewal shortly, or you need to pay another invoice, we completely understand if the closure of your setting means you will have trouble making your payment. If this is the case, please email us at customer.service@eyfs.info and we will be happy to help you make arrangements to ensure there is no lapse in your Tapestry subscription. All our staff are currently working from home, but our finance team are taking it in turns to pick up post from our office. This may not be done on a daily basis and this situation may change, so if you have, or will be paying by cheque, please get in touch with us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info quoting your invoice number and we can help you. We are thinking of you all. Thank you for working so hard for your children and families in this crisis. Best wishes from the Tapestry Team.
  9. News in brief Free FSF subscription with Tapestry New podcast episodes National Storytelling week video Download SEND statements from within Tapestry Hi Weavers, This month we celebrated the 17th birthday of the Foundation Stage Forum (the FSF). The FSF is an online community for all those with a professional interest in teaching and learning with young children. The FSF creates and supports Tapestry. When you purchase a Tapestry account, a subscription to the FSF is included. To make access to the FSF even easier, all managers and full staff account holders can now use their Tapestry login details to set up a free FSF account. On the forum you can read articles written by a range of experts, download helpful resources created by us as well as other forum users and you can also take part in all the interesting and lively conversations with other users that are happening. To set up an account, you just need to follow this video tutorial or this written tutorial. We look forward to meeting you on the forum! FSF Podcasts If you haven’t already, make sure to listen to our Foundation Stage Forum podcasts with episodes released weekly on a wide variety of subjects within education and technology. Join our education team and the occasional special guest, discuss the big issues and hot topics in Early Years such as sustainability, self-regulation and the new ELGs. You can listen to all our podcast episodes on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts and on our Simplecast page. National Storytelling Week 2020 This month we celebrated National Storytelling week in the UK, from the 1st-8th February. Education Team members Ben and Jack have created a video of their top tips to inspire children’s story telling skills. You can watch this video here but do also make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel so you are notified whenever we add a new video. Download SEND statements from within Tapestry For those of you using the SEND framework on Tapestry, it is now possible for you download a document which includes all the statements from within your Tapestry account. This can be done by creating a new observation and in the SEND assessment section, just click on the ‘Download SEND Statements’ button. We hope you find this addition helpful! Feature Focus: Splitting a group observation If you have done a group activity and want to record this on Tapestry, it’s possible to add multiple children into an observation. We do understand that you may want to add different notes, photos/videos or assessments for different children though, so what you can do is split the group observation. This creates copies of the observation, one for each child you split off. To add different notes/media/assessments for children, you then just need to edit the individual observations. This tutorial will talk you through the whole process.
  10. News in brief EYFS Update IEYC framework on Tapestry SEND video series Android beta testing Hi Weavers, Welcome to our first newsletter of 2020! 2019 was a busy year for us here at Tapestry HQ. We moved into a new office building which allowed us to take on more members of staff, hold some educational events, and start recording videos (see our new YouTube channel). We also added lots of new features to Tapestry such as Documents and Reflections. For a full rundown of these you can check out our December newsletter. We have lots planned for Tapestry in the year ahead. As always, we will continue to work on improving and adding features and listening to what our users are saying. Stay tuned! EYFS Update We have received quite a few questions from those of you wanting to know about how the proposed changes to the EYFS will be implemented on Tapestry. We want to reassure you that we are monitoring the changes carefully, but until the new framework is released, we are unable to start the process of adding anything. Our plan is to have the ELGs ready for September. We are waiting to see what is in store for Development Matters as this has not yet been shared. A soon as we have a clear idea, we will begin work on adding any changes to Tapestry. We are aware that some of you will be trialling the new version, but many will still be using the current framework. Our aim is to have both available on Tapestry, so practitioners can choose which one they want to use. As ever, you can subscribe to receive our newsletters to stay updated on the situation. IEYC If you use the International Early Years Curriculum (IEYC) framework in your setting, you can now assess your observations on Tapestry against these outcomes and statements. Developed by Fieldwork Education, the IEYC supports Early Years teachers, practitioners and leaders with a research-based curriculum tailored to the developmental needs of 2-5+ year olds, using global benchmarks of good practice in early childhood education. If you’re interested in finding out more about Fieldwork and the IEYC, you can visit their website: https://fieldworkeducation.com/. To enable IEYC on your Tapestry account you just need to follow this tutorial and if you’d like to find out about Nehru World School’s experience with IEYC and Tapestry, you can read their case study here. SEND series For those of you looking for some advice and guidance on all things SEND, do make sure to check out our new SEND mini-series of videos available on YouTube. In them, our Tapestry SEND Advisor, Stephen Kilgour, answers questions that have been sent to our customer services. In the last video, Stephen provided some top tips on how to track development for SEND children on Tapestry. A new video will be released every Monday until the 10th February. To be notified about them, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel. Android beta testing Would you be interested in becoming a Tapestry Android beta tester and being the first to access any updates to the app? If so, we would love to hear your feedback on the beta version of the app we currently have available. To sign up to be a beta tester you just need to go to https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.fsf.tapestryandroid on the device you want to test on. Please note that this is not available for Amazon Fire devices. If you have any questions about this, do get in touch with us at tapestry.support@eyfs.info. Tapestry Training Sessions If you are looking to make the most out of your Tapestry account, why not look at booking one of our personal online training sessions with one of our Tapestry experts? We run these Monday-Friday between 9:30-4:30 UK time. We charge £30 +VAT per half hour and you can book them for either half an hour or a full hour. If you would like to set up one of these sessions, you can get in touch with us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info. Reminders Tapestry price increase From the 1st February the price of Tapestry will be increasing based on the rate of inflation. This is to allow us to continue improving Tapestry and the service we provide. Any invoices generated before the 1st will have the old prices honoured for our normal payment terms of 30 days. To see our new prices, you can read this forum post. Change of bank details If you are intending to pay any future invoices by BACS, please be advised that we changed bank providers in October last year. The new bank details can be found on your invoice. If you require further confirmation of the new bank details for your finance team then please just email as below and we can send over confirmation. Our previous account is pending closure and is not being checked daily by our finance team. Therefore, any payments made to this account may be delayed in being processed. When making a BACs payment the invoice number must be quoted as part of the payment reference and remittance advices should be sent to bacs@eyfs.info. If you have any questions regarding BACs payments, please contact us by emailing customer.service@eyfs.info.
  11. News in brief New Name Labels feature New podcasts Christmas theme on Tapestry Hi Weavers, Welcome to the last Tapestry newsletter not only of the year, but also the decade! Before we share this month’s Tapestry news, we wanted to look back at some of the features we have added this year: 1. Pre–Key Stage 1 and 2 We added the Pre-KS1/2 framework in May of this year to help schools using Tapestry. This tutorial explains how you can enable it on your account. Once you have done so, you can then assess your observations against this framework and track them through two different screens. 2. EYFS GLD Screen For settings using EYFS we added a tracking screen that shows children who have reached a Good Level of Development at the end of the academic year. The data and scores for this screen are taken from the EYFSP submission point on Tapestry. You can read more about this screen here. 3. Pay Now To make the process of arranging payment for Tapestry invoices easier, we added the ability to pay by card through Tapestry. All managers on an account can access this section by logging in through the browser version of Tapestry, going to the Control Panel and on the Overview page, clicking on the ‘View and pay your invoices’ button. 4. Reflections Reflections on Tapestry was designed to facilitate and support reflective practice within your setting. It is a place to gather thoughts and actions about your own teaching, the learning environment, or whole team approaches, and to record the ways these improve the outcomes for the children in your care. It provides you with a place to hold conversations and share ideas with staff in your setting. To learn how to use Reflections, you just need to watch these videos. 5. Documents A much-requested feature on Tapestry, Documents allows you to add Word, PDF, Excel and txt files to an easily accessible area within your account. Once uploaded, files are scanned for viruses and can then be organised into folders of your own creation and shared with other members of staff. You can also choose to share them with parents. These videos walk you through how to use the feature. 6. Cherry Garden Finally, last month we added the Cherry Garden framework. This was created by Cherry Garden school, an outstanding special needs school. Using their years of SEND expertise and parts of the Routes for Learning framework, they have created a child-centred assessment system for SLD/PMLD students. Progress can be shown linearly and laterally and there is also a unique Cherry Garden Orchard graphic which demonstrates a child’s learning to share and celebrate with parents. These tutorials explain how to use this new framework. Name Labels Now for our December news! As a special Christmas present from Tapestry, we have released a brand-new feature now available on all accounts: Name Labels. This allows you to create PDFs of children’s names in a variety of label formats which you can then print off to use in your setting.There are currently 6 available styles on Tapestry but if you have one you would like to see added, please do send it to us at: 65 High Street, Lewes, East Sussex, BN7 1XG. Alternatively, you can scan in your design and send it to us at customer.service@eyfs.info.To learn how to use this handy new feature on your account, you just need to follow this tutorial. FSF Podcasts Some of the Product Support team at Tapestry HQ have recorded a podcast discussing this year’s new Tapestry features and how they go from being an idea to a reality. You can listen to their conversation on this week’s episode of FSF podcast. All our podcasts are available on Spotify, Apple podcasts and Google podcasts. Make sure you subscribe to be notified of new episodes every week. Christmas Theme To help your setting get into the festive spirit, make sure to check out our Tapestry Christmas theme! This can be enabled by any manager on an account – simply follow the instructions in this tutorial.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This template can be edited to suit the needs of your setting and you can use it to collect parent's permission to add them and their child's details to Tapestry.
  13. Version 1.0.1


    You can use this powerpoint to help explain Tapestry to parents. Make sure to read through and take out any bits that aren't relevant for your setting.
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