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Lessons From Geese Thanks


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Just a very sincere note as a new member to say a very very big thank you for all the input that I have accessed on this forum.Although an old goose I'm trying to stay up with the rest of the flock.I've needed more honking than most but still need to fly! Many thanks for so many flappings of wings...

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Thank you so much for replying Marion. Still new to this forum and probably not the right thing to do in replying personal thanks here. Nevertheless - Thank you.

Edited by lynnj123
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Glad you have joined us. You will get lots of welcomes from everyone but some are away at the moment. We all find the forum addictive and we all help and support each other. Our ethos is one where we accept each other as we are, and treat each other with respect. Steve's 'Lessons Fron Geese' says it all. :D

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Hi Lynn,


Its good to have you on board and its always nice to hear positive comments from members. :) Hope you don't mind but I'm going to move this into the Lounge area where I'm sure others will share your sentiments. :D

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Welcome to the forum Lynn, I've been away on holiday it's nice to meet new members on my return. I look forward to getting to know you better in the future.



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Well, hello from me, too.


I've been having my own troubles, but we all come back here for the warmth and hugs (as well as professional help and advice) we get. Sure you'll soon be Veeeerry comfy here!!


Sue x


And hello stedeford!! - You can't creep in unannounced, here!!



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A warm welcome from Steve and me too :) Don't worry in the slightest about making mistakes. There isn't anything you can do that can't be sorted out by somebody here!! OK now I've said that there is likely to be an almighty disaster .... :o

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Thank you so much for your welcomes

Fear I've upset the system by posting in the wrong place. Sorry! Only wanted to say Thank you.


Don't worry, it gave me something to do since the forum has been strangely quiet of late. :D

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Hi Lyn, a mistake on your first post is understandable, the time to appogise for them is when you've been here years and are still making them! :o:D


Hi Stedeford, welcome from me too :D

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