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Hi -

Haven't heard much from people about the recent snacks and lunches article. It would be useful to know how those who've read it felt about it, so I can decide on any future articles of this sort. :)

Guest Wolfie

I hadn't realised that it had been added! Yes, I think there is definitely a place for articles such as that on the forum, it's got some nice practical suggestions that are useful for both practitioners and students studyong childcare.


Is there a way that you could alert us to new articles that have been added?


The article is really interesting. Some of the advice I already knew about, other bits I had forgotten but it was nice to have it all in one place and specifically about younger children, as there isn't much out there for this age group. It would be good to have something specific about portion sizes too as many adults forget that a child sized portion is not the same as an adults. :)


its a very interesting article steve ..just read it :D as beau says portion sizes would be good and so would the colour spectrum for fruits and veg :)


Sorry, I hadnt seen it but I'm printing it off as I type. We have a lad at nursery who's mom only feeds him pot noodles and crisps, she even sends them into nursery with him :o




You were feeling a bit unloved werent you Steve. :(xD Well we're here now lovey :(


Thanks chaps. Feeling much more loved now Rea! :)


Is there a way that you could alert us to new articles that have been added?


You mean apart from the last three articles list on the front page, and the list of all new articles in each month's newsletter Wolfie? I guess I could list them all as they appear here in the article discussions forum, but it feels a little bit like overkill to mention them three times.

Guest Wolfie
Posted (edited)

Ooops sorry! I obviously haven't got to grips with all the features of the site yet! :o:( Well it did take me a year to discover the "View New Posts" option! xD


Hang on, I still can't find the newsletter bit?!

Edited by Wolfie


I've told Steve off for his reply to you! :o He assures me you know he was only being facetious.....


I wasn't being facetious. Was I being facetious? I don't think I was being facetious...




As Carol says, Wolfie, you should be getting it emailed to you every month.


You can find a copy of the newsletters, though, in this index page here. :)


However, it's much more efficient to have it delivered to your mailbox. You need to have your correct email address set up in your profile, and to accept emails from the forum administrator (that's me everyone! :) ).


I keep putting in the newsletter that it's important to have your correct email address set up. However, the newsletter only gets to people who have their correct email address set up. Um...


Oh dear, I hadn't seen them either, even though I read the newsletter (3 times in fact)


Ive never found the latest articles, Wolfie and Ive been a round a lot longer than you so youve got nothing to worry about..


I have read the article and think it was very useful-especially as one of outr parents doesn't really want us to give the children toast, cheese or any of the other foods we give them. She wants fruit all the time. The article is useful to show that we are encouraging children to eat a balanced diet.


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