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Can I Be Nosey?


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Just being nosey and wondering what have been the activites your chidren have most enjoyed in your settings today?


Making an obstacle course and using puppets seem to have been the most popular today


Exploring a mango finding out where it came from (Peru) and what continent Peru is in and then finding out a little about the people of Peru and then eating it


Ball games, unplanned activity. A child found a ball in the home corner toys and they asked for the pop-up goal.

A-frame, unplanned activity. Children weren't using large balance beam today.

Role-play- Hairdressers. Unplanned. Some of the children were fascinated by our students long silky hair.

I just wish I had the courage to start the session with an empty hall.


Looking through the photo album as a group, talking and laughing about what we had done in the past, brilliant for both staff and children to recall and laugh!! :D


Unplanned spontaneous fun with loads of areas of learning met I am sure.


they couldnt get enough of the lego today quite a big group of children all sat happily building and chatting to each other for a good portion of free play time oh and the horses and stables which spilled outdoors with 'real horses and hay' :)


creating their own road/map using a huge roll of old wall paper, adding in their own buildings, road works, parks and traffic lights. Then wizzing their cars along their work. The soil tray was busy, playing snap, block play, role play was hetic!! lots going on and all very loud today!!


Popping balloons on the whiteboard with a paintbrush! :D


We were outside as well, cleaning up the patio from the wind damage last week and seeing if the toys had blown away (they hadn't!) It was fab and we stayed out for ages!

Sarah x


Seeing who could build the tallest tower outside with the plastic bricks.


We had coloured water out yesterday with small wild animals, the children had great fun so we froze the water in small pots with a little animal in each, today they played with them and watched the animals thaw out of their ice blocks.


using sheets and pegs to make tents, dressing up and picnics in the tent when it did not fall down and they had to make it again, and again and again...... :o




ice in various forms. cubes in trays for the younger ones and ice balloons with food dyes and salt for the older ones . and looking at what happened when they put them in different places. outside. on the heater, in the fridge etc


3 children arrived dressed as power rangers :(:( , Parents comments; they refused to leave the house without the costume. :( They soon took off their costumes because our heating is very good. xD


Dismantled an old bike in the 'garage' ( a new child has introduced at news time his motor cross adventures, basically get on bike a crash off. :o )


making houses for street display, using lego to print brick effect on boxes and sand covered boxes.


Coloured and smelly pasta, ( dewberry oil and lemon and strawberry essence). used in role play and threading.


Toy train story, wind up train goes around fold out story book track ( hard to explain) small motor skills winding up, where the train stops is the next persons turn to wind up the train. extended with brio track laid all around setting, meandering around furniture, under tables and into the pop up tent station.


All child initiated except houses and train story. :D




p.s. What a great topic starter lola, some very inspirational and fun comments. :D




Outside - digging in the mud pit and sand pit, playing in Den (child led) planting bluebell bulbs and making marks on plant labels (adult led) dragging branches around the garden (child led) Inside - 3 day old chick visited with as yet unborn brother/sister (egg in incubator !) (cook breeds chickens, impromtu visit), painting cardboard boxes, snuggle up story time, car and garge play which led to playdouh 'roadway' and cars being enclosed in playdough (child led).


Unfortunately I'm in UK - just can't sleep lately and if I'm honest, with two teenage boys, the only time i get to use the computer! :o


Good grief Sam, sounds like my house :D


On Wednesday the children had fun with my big dice. The one with pockets that you can put things in. It had socks, beads, paper with various things drawn or coloured on for them to find/match. It was all rather impromptu, but it's helped me to think of new ideas for it too. They even let me leave them to it for a while. :D


Two police officers came today and spoke to the children about stranger danger and road safety

The best bit for the children was a little ride around the car park in the police car with blasts of the siren

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