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What A Friendly Bunch We Are!

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Posted (edited)

Being the hols and all that I've got nothing better to do than look round a load of teaching forums on various websites. Anyway, just wanted to say how much more friendly and helpful people are on this site. On a certain site that shall go unnamed most people just seem interested in arguing with each other and trying to out do each other with their knowledge and links to this and that (all with aim of proving someone else wrong). :o


Anyway, just made me glad we've got this site - much nicer :)

Edited by Guest

I know exactly what you mean - and probably which forum you mean. Here everyone is friendly and helpful, not trying to out do one another and supportive, not critical, when someone does not understand things.


I feel that this site should be an essential part of everyone's career development. It brings together people from all kinds of jobs in early years and it is so interesting looking at things from someone else's perspective.




aaahhh... I agree... and now feel all warm inside :o


Definately agree with all of the above. Don't know what i would do without all the friendly advice on here. It's wierd because at work when i'm discussing things i find myself saying well Peggy says or Susan says and they are all like Peggy who??? They think i have lost the plot!!!


I strongly agree with you and am pretty sure I know which site you are referring to. I get fed up with all the arguing that goes on. This site is so supportive and helpful I know which I prefer.


I'm intrigued as to the site in question now!!!!


hiSSSSSS --- I know just where you mean.

I just love this site. It is so supportive, and so typical of Early Years people who have that caring, accepting, enabling culture. What would we all do without it? I have to have my daily fix.

Definately agree with all of the above. Don't know what i would do without all the friendly advice on here. It's wierd because at work when i'm discussing things i find myself saying well Peggy says or Susan says and they are all like Peggy who??? They think i have lost the plot!!!



Thanks for the mention, as for your staff haven't they heard of Peggy Patch :oxD


from you know who. :(


Kelly, nice to hear you feel so welcome and at home and comfortable in our company. :D


I agree with all the others sentiments, I am totally addicted and wouldn't come in for a visit every day if I didn't feel so comfortable in everyones company.


I don't personally look at other forums, in fact this was the first and only one I have ever joined.

I don't know which one you are referring to but it must be good for some people, otherwise it wouldn't exist. I personally think that the FSF has something for everyone, a mixed range of professionals who are happy to share ideas, thoughts and resources in a positive constructive manner, a wonderful, excellent service provider Steve and his team who continuously strive to maintain and develop to our growing needs, what more could you ask for. :D


I don't need to look to see if the grass is greener anywhere else, but then I was fortunate to find the FSF as my first ( and now only) forum experience.




ooh, just wanted to add as part of the FSF team, the Moderators ensure that the forum remains friendly and welcoming, so well done for their vigilence and tactfull ways of ensuring that the principles of the forum are adhered to, in the best possible way. :D




Thanks for the vote of confidence, Lola!!


Ive always felt as if I was talking to friends and the number of those has steadily grown over the years.


If you're out there Sparkle perhaps we need some certificates for Steve and his team. I wonder if any of you could come up with some good captions for them.




This is the only forum I feel welcome. I know we all have different jobs and backgrounds, qualifications and experience and yes we do occasionally let off steam in what we are thinking but I always get the impression we are REAL people, with real concerns,worries but are willing to share the many ups and downs that we have. It is the only site I know that people will share knowledge to help others. I like a lot of people are addicted to it but it is because everyone is welcome it is so successful and its not for showing off!!!


Like most of members I would be lost without this place and on the rare occasions I've been directed to other forums for information I have found them much less helpful and nowhere near as nice :D

:D I agree I think this a wonderful place and I have got some great ideas from it Thank you everyone!!! from Magiccastle
Guest MaryEMac

I must agree with everyone in that this is a very friendly site. Everyone is so helpful and supportive that I feel I can ask anything and someone will know the answer. I also like to have my daily fix and get very annoyed if my husband gets on the computer before I get chance, because once he's on it ,he's on it for the night.


Mary :D


Agree with all said, must get my regular 'fix' and I am much as Peggy and do not use another forum finding this one first, did look at one but found it too 'twee' and 'fluffy' if you get my meaning and not nearly as professional, where all value each others input as we all have some expertise or views to add, reguardless of backgrounds, training, jobs etc. (oh and put up with my bad spelling!! who keeps moving the keys?)


have found invaluable advice and help keeping up with the latest info etc, and now staff at work have begun to ask, well try the forum they will be able to help or advise with that!




Agree with everything that's been said - I find this site such a lifeline and have recommended it to so many others :D When I have searched 'another' site (usually in my role as subject co-ordinator), I have sometimes winced at some of the 'not so subtle putdowns' and I just find myself thinking 'No-body would ever say anything like that on FSF'.


Thanks to all who've offered me help and advice in the years since I joined - long may we continue to support each other ... and a great big thanks to Steve and the team for a great job.


Harricroft xx

Guest tinkerbell

I agree with everyone.this site has been soo helpful to me and i hope I have been able to help others.



Hi veryone. just wanted to agree with all the comments.

I also feel that despite the fact I do not post on a regular basis, I am still welcome

and not judged. for only popping in occassionally. You all got me through my

NQT year and I log in most days to keep in touch with what is happening, EXCELLENT SITE and thank you to the wonderful lady that recommended it to me on an early years course

through DCC 2 years ago!!!




I agree, have just paid my subscription for another year.Such a helpful web site.Thank you everybody.


I haven't been able to post as much lately and if you all remember I posted saying I wouldn't have time for the forum because of my fdEY study, well that lasted a day or so, I still can't resist loggin on to see what everyone is up to, your all my friends and I need to know everyone is ok!


We are such a mutual appreciation society it so helps when you are feeling a little low or just a bit unsure about the profession, thanks to everyone!! :D:D


I agree with all the above - especially the 'lifeline' comment. Everybody has helped and supported me SO much - thank you all. It took me a while to have the confidence to do a first post, but once I had, I haven't looked back. Thanks everyone for all the advice and for all the 'sharing' that goes on.


I agree with everyone's comments about this site - it really has been a life line particularly when working alone in a school where no one else had any experience about foundation. Just discovering a place where I could find out what others do and ask questions without feeling daft has been great :o So thanks everyone and i only hope my new colleagues aren't getting too fed up of me talking about this great site!


I too agree but am a little confused cos I recently joined another teaching site due to our impending integrated inspection and have posted on the early years section and have found everybody to be very friendly and altho i have been surprised by the obvious lack of knowledge in the fs by some teachers working in a reception class i have been made to feel very welcome and appreciated :o unless ofcourse you are not talking about that particular site xD I hope not cos i have suggested they all come on this site as you are all so wonderful :D


I do also post on 'that' site and have had only friendly responses, however, you can sometimes start reading a thread to gain some knowledge and it turns a bit nasty. I think the point is that on this site people respect each other and you wouldn't pay a subscription to it if you just wanted to annoy people.

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