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Great News!


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Well this afternoon I heard we have passed our Quality Assurance-so all the hard work was worth while!! The assessment panel said that our portfolio was lovely and a pleasure to read!

So Thursday evening we have the presentation evening and receive our certificate which I am really looking forward to. Just wish OFSTED would turn up now so that we can all have a relaxing summer.

Thanks again for all the great ideas posted on the forum which have helped us improve our practice and helped us gain this award.


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Hi Linda


Thats excellent. When you have come back down to earth I would love to hear more about the process it sounds very interesting. Is accreditation available for all settings to work towards?



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Great News Linda, well done to everyone. :D


Being cheeky now, did you ever write a transition policy ( still working on mine- well delgated it and it's not done yet :o )


Are you going to do a press release, or any other plans to celebrate????


We are still at first module level, but already find it rewarding and useful for continuous development.





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That's great news Linda - well done!

I've never been through accreditation myself, but mentor groups going through at the moment... they are due to finish in the next month or so, so I'll be as nervous as them when they get assessed!



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Well done Linda and staff


lots of hard work recognised, feels good doesnt it, enjoy your ceremony


we have to submit an update every year, just got our second year ceritficate and realy helped with Ofsted who took all info for weekend saved a lot of talking!! and forgetting things you mean to tell them...


now for the next year!!



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Guest alisonjayne

Just read this thread

Belated congratulations from me to, enjoy the rest of term and the summer


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