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Our topic this term is people who help us. On Monday we have a police lady visiting with the area car.


As follow up for the week we will be:

Looking at keeping safe

Making large and small scale police cars

Using walkie talkies

Playing with the police play mobile car

Making police badges

Investigating handcuffs, batons, stab vests and photo's of old uniforms.

I do not feel very inspired by our list of ideas above.


Does anyone have any other good ideas?




We did a display last year of photographs of the children with their finger prints next to them-mug shots!!



Taking fingerprints and comparing with each other.

Using magnifying glases to hunt for clues.

Writing with invisible ink (write with lemon juice, when dry pop the paper in a low oven until the writing shows through)

Making "Wanted" posters


I set up the writing area with police stuff, costumes, telephone, ink pad, wanted posters, lost person forms, lost dog forms, lost property etc, policemans note book etc. the children had loads of fun in their and produced all kinds of writing. Some of the templates I downloaded from a previous scholastic magazine.

Also, check out their interactive posters!


I'd ask the children what questions they have for the policewoman when she visits.

What do they think police women/men do?

Why do they think we have a police force?

Have they had any experiences with the police? ( could be interesting :o )

Set up a police station role play - reception area, Cell ( it will be interesting to see what they "lock their friends up for" xD

Interview room with note pad, Make tapes of "confessions" with a tape recorder.



Interview room with note pad, Make tapes of "confessions" with a tape recorder.




That's a nice idea Peggy - one to remember for next year :D (I wonder what they'll confess to? :oxD )

  • 2 weeks later...

We have a designated school police officer who comes into school to have chats with Reception all the way to year 6. The topics obviously vary depending on the year group. Our police lady came in with a big 'Police Box' full of goodies for the children to use. These included things like, helmets (for constables and women constables!) Reflective jackets (child size) jigsaws, cars etc. It certainly went down well in our class, generating some 'interesting' role play. I would try your local police station to see if they have anyone like that there.

I'd ask the children what questions they have for the policewoman when she visits.

What do they think police women/men do?


Have they had any experiences with the police? ( could be interesting :o )






Peggy's right be careful.............. two of our children replied they lock your dad up xD


Small world play - cars and houses... add police cars and policeman/women


Make police puppets


Read Burglar Bill stories


Play cars - set up a road, make lollipop signs and practice road safety.


Walk round the neighbourhood to see if you see a real police person


Free painting of the police car - take photos during visit and get the kids to paint it...


Discussions on blue lights, other colour lights


Play phones - talk about 999


Yes - VERY interesting - police visits!!


A policeman brought a police van to Pre-school and the children were invited to look inside. One little boy, very determinedly said, "My dad told me never to go in one of those !" :o and another year when the policeman was showing his uniform, etc, he pulled out the handcuffs and said "Does anyone know what these are?" A little girl replied "Yes, my mum and dad have got some of those in their bedroom in the drawer" xD The policemans face was a picture as he tried hard to keep a straight face!!


Sue J

  • 2 years later...

Thanks everyone, i'm doing police this week and so have stolen lots of these ideas. The only slight hitch is that i think it may go on longer than a week now!





I love it when an old thread gets resurrected because someone has found it useful!




Yeah me too - I like dredging through to see what was being talked about this time last year, as often it's quite topical! (pardon the pun)

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