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Fostering Update


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Hi everyone, Just to update you all again on my new Fostering career.

We have had our first placement( yuk that sounds so technical) since Wednesday.

A young lad of 15 yrs who is with us for a short 2 week placement. He normally attends boarding school, stays with nan at weekends, but alsas he has a broken leg ( rugby) Nan is going away for hols so he is with us. he knows he is our 1st placement and we are his first time in Foster care too, so it's a 1st for everyone.

WOW, I didn't realise that just a change in routine and having another "bod" in the house could be so tiring. Hubby and I have spent the last year in just each others company, spending most days wrapped up in our individual agendas and now, we are very quickly learning how to plan together again for a common goal.Our visitor was quite upset his 1st night, not fully understanding why he had been sent to us ( or more so feeling rejected at not being able to go to Mum's or Nan's like usual).

Day 2 he said to me " It's strange but I feel I've known you for 10 years"

( job satisfaction or what :DxD )

He is a child with ADHD and lerning disabilities, but also has a very curious nature, knows lots about nothing and everything and a vivid imagination when telling us about his lifes adventures.

I'll catch up with you more later, got to dash, he has just decided to fill the sand pit with water during a hosepipe ban :o He is good fun.



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Dear Peggy,

Well how fantastic - gosh I best you felt that eureka feeling when he said that! Well, guess you are going to be busy over the next couple of weeks - I hope all goes well and I am sure you will be great - why is life so hard for some people - really puts life into perspective again and makes you appreciate what you have but also what you can do to make that bit of difference to someone elses life. 15 - difficult age - my son is 15 and I know they are not always the easiest - but they are just beginning and I say only just beginning to appreicate other people but with all the other issues going on its really hard for him - who can blame them if they feel confused and upset and want to test the boundaries - so give it your best shot as I know you will and 2 weeks is a good time - not too long - jsut keep on checking in here - I am sure we would all love to hear how you are feeling about it all.

Take care


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That is fantastic news Peggy! Was beginning to wonder why we hadn't seen you for a while! Good luck with the placement and please keep letting us know how things are going! Well done!

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Congratulations and best wishes! 


How did it go overnight?






He settled ok on his 1st night after the initial upset and realisation that he was not going home for a few weeks. He is like any other teenager, hangs his clothes on the floor using invisible hangers :D


His attention span is quite short but he is really enjoying messing about with water in the garden. He is also responding very well to a good male role model in Dave. ie: he's not seen me cook once, he questioned the fact saying "but women do the cooking". ( well not in our house)


Early yesterday evening he ventured out for a walkabout near the house, we kept an eye from a distance but then decided he is 15, need to let him have some autonomy. He was close by to the house but not always in sight.

After 1/2 hr he came home with a bloody nose. 2 LOCAL LADS HAD BEATEN HIM UP :oxD They knocked him over from behind then kicked him in the face. I AM SO ANGRY. He coped with it well, we gave him 1st aid and he was fine, not sure at first whether he had a broken nose, but this morning swelling had gone right down.

I had to report to our Foster Agency, and the police. WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE LIKE THIS? picking on a lad with a broken leg is such a cowardly, despicable thing to do.

Police arrived this morning to get more details of the incident, but not much they can do.

He is fine this morning and said" You know I said I was happy yesterday, then this happened, I am happy now though, it's sunny" :D

He has spent the morning playing in our small boat, going on a round the world trip!!!



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Guest MaryEMac

Morning Peggy,

Poor lad, hope he is feeling okay this morning. Arn't some people despicable? I hope everything goes well for you Peggy (and Dave). Best wishes, Mary :D

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I cannot believe this happened - why oh why are some people so shameless. You cannot keep kids in cotton wool and yet sometimes you wish you could. Well, I hope things get sorted out for everyone's sake. This is certainly going to be an adventure for you both.


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Guest tinkerbell

Hi Peggy

Iwas wondering where you had been ,hadn't seen many posts recently but now know why.You do have your hands full.

Can't believe how unlucky the poor lad has been meeting up with the locals like that.

Goodluck he is lucky that he is staying with you.


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Hi Peggy, glad the fostering has finally started, but what a way to start! xD

My friends 11 yr old was hit and kicked and spat on a few days ago. The police arrived the next day took details, including the name and address of one of the assulters but still havent visisted his home. Apparently they dont do things like that anymore :o (not sure what they meant by that) So the fact your lad didnt know the people who did it isnt such a problem.

When my 15 yr old started playing rugby I was warned to expect injuries, so far so good, hope your young man heals quickly, and at least the end of the season is close, so he's got a few months to recovery his strength. :)

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Everything is settled now, he made a statement to the police on Monday, since then all's well and it's long forgotten. He's enjoying some positive male role modelling from Dave, currently outside learning how to cast a fishing line ( or is it rod :oxD ). and I've got to cook dinner :(



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Well Peggy surely things can only get better from now on, but what a start. I'm sure you handled everything with your usual good sense. He is obviously very happy with you. Please let us know how things continue. Next step- he cooks the dinner :o

Yes.... what are you having tonight?

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