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Ofsted Early Years Curriculum Workshops

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Invite for early years engagement events - curriculum workshops

At Ofsted, you will know that we are developing a new Education Inspection Framework (EIF) for September 2019. We launched the formal consultation on our proposals in January 2019. You can let us know what you think about our proposals for early years by completing the on-line consultation.

HMCI is clear that the ‘curriculum’, the educational choices we make for children, will be at the heart of the new framework. We use that word in the current early years inspection handbook, but have come up with a working definition so we are clear about what this means.

  • The EYFS (educational programmes) provides the curriculum framework that leaders build on to decide what they intend children to learn and develop.
  • Leaders and practitioners decide how they will implement the curriculum so children make progress in the seven areas of learning – we will keep our definition of ‘teaching’.
  • Leaders and practitioners evaluate the impact of the curriculum by checking what children know and can do. 

We recently focused a training session for our inspectors on what the ‘curriculum’ means for early years. Our serving practitioner inspectors told us they found this useful and thought provoking. Therefore, we are keen to share this session with local authorities and registered early years providers as well as answer some questions you may have about our proposals for the EIF.

The decisions we make about what we want very young children to learn and develop are so important – we are talking about the experiences we provide, the games we play, the words we use, the stories we read and the songs we sing and everything else!

We would like to invite you to attend one of our Early Years Curriculum Workshops, which are taking place on various dates and locations. All details, including timings, can be found during registration. Please register for these events here.

Here is the agenda for this 2 ½ hour workshop.

  • What does the ‘curriculum’ mean for early years?
  • Distinguishing the ‘curriculum’ from teaching and assessment.
  • What is knowledge? (considering the building blocks of knowledge children need to learn)
  • Proposals for the new EIF – the quality of education.
  • Busting some of those ‘myths’ about inspection.
  • Questions.

And don’t forget to let us know about our proposals for EIF – the consultation is open until 5 April 2019.

Best wishes

Ofsted Events team


Bristol Manchester Birmingham and London according the useless website! you need to put in all your details then it tells you the dates and venues (none of which are suitable for me!!)  and I assumed when you put in your region it would come up with the most relevant but NO....that would be far too helpful!

I worry that these people have so much influence on us:ph34r:

  • 3 weeks later...

It was quite cringe worthy I thought. Not at all appropriately targeted for the level of expertise in the room. Good discussion with others at the table though - which was much more useful. 


Someone I know went to one and said it was embarrassing and a waste of time and resources.  She said she came away fuming at the assumed level of understanding.  Sounds like we're not missing much...

2 hours ago, MarshaD said:

It was quite cringe worthy I thought. Not at all appropriately targeted for the level of expertise in the room. Good discussion with others at the table though - which was much more useful. 

I often find that you learn more from those around your table, than the actual lecturers!

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