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Good afternoon,


Does anyone here use Anna Ephgrave's in the moment planning and learning journey systems with Tapestry? We have been using Tapestry for 2 years now but wish to move forward with our planning which just isn't working for us at present. I'm concerned that staff will be duplicating paperwork if they are completing a focus child learning journey which then will need to be transferred onto tapestry.


Would be interested to hear from anyone else using both Tapestry and In the moment planning.









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Couldn't you just complete your observations on Tapestry - using paper seems a rather backwards step if you have an online storage system for your observations? Does it really matter that they are not all together on one sheet - it's the focus on the child that matters here isn't it? Or you just have a paper record when the child is being focused on and refer to it alongside tapestry when you make you judgements?


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Catma you are absolutely as this is exactly how we use IMP with our focus children. It does not matter how/where your observations are recorded. We observe our 'focus child' make brief notes, when needed, as an aid memoir and reflect on the photos taken whilst playing alongside the child - all this is done on Tapestry.

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We don't use the weekly focus sheets, instead we add an ob to Tap, focus on 1 or 2 next Steps for the half term, add that to journals so parents can see what we are focusing on and how they can support at home, then add another for each child where evidence of those next steps is gathered (mostly through ITM), at the end of the half term the keyperson uses their judgement to assess all aspects with band/refinement, and it's then added to journal, they either show progress or don't but doesn't move backwards(we don't use statements any more as that did cause a bit of backwards/forwards. We do have sheets to record the ITM learning that staff record on but they are dwindling so thinking of scrapping them ...who is ever going to look at them again?


Other obs are added as and when.

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We do it all on Tapestry as well. Before a child's focus week, I write an observations that basically says it's your child's focus week next week please tell us about your child's interests and anything they been up to recently and invite them to add photos. We then just upload observations as we normally would but there are more for the focus children in their week and the observations are more descriptive - outlining what the adults have done to support the child.


Green Hippo x


We use Tapestry in a way similar to mouseketeer, we raise a n ob stating what we are working on with the child, but we dont have focus children per week all of the children are in focus and all staff can see the next step, this ob is duplicated and we add a bit about how to support this next step at home etc that one we send off the other we leave open and add Evidence to the title, we then proceed adding evidence notes, depending on the focus or next step it may take a week or a month or half term, once we are satisfied that this area is observed independently and consistently, the ob is sent off and a new area or next step is started. We havent been ofsteded yet but we have found much more input from parents, all staff can input on all children and things dont get missed as we are not using themes or lengthy plans, now looking at how to record teachable moments but to be honest its there in the observations every minute of every day........x

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