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Outstanding - What did it do for your nursery?


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Hi everyone, I know we all strive for an outstanding, but I am curious to find out from those of you lucky enough to have been awarded outstanding what it has done for your nursery?


Did interest from parents pick up? Did you get an immediate uplift in children registering? Did you find it easier to recruit staff? Perhaps you didn't notice much difference at all!


Would love to know anything at all as to how it changed your nursery!

Edited by MagicStar
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I'm fortunate that our team has been awarded an outstanding twice. However I would have to say that I think parents don't really care (though they do read the report) and it really hasn't made a difference to our numbers . The biggest advantage that is tangible is the attitude from the borough and from local businesses. There is of course a pressure to ensure that you keep up this standard constantly too

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Like finleysmaid we have twice been awarded outstanding. For the staff team it's a huge boost to morale especially as we all work so hard and the goal posts are constantly moved via legislation etc. Parent-wise I also agree with finleysmaid in that to be honest the majority of them don't give a stuff!! There are a couple of parents who came to us after reading our report but the majority of them don't know until they see it on our sign! We used to get an additional payment for the LA for getting outstanding but sadly this is no longer the case!

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That's very interesting Finleysmaid and Ancaster.


We also find that very few people have asked about our Ofsted rating. One dad said that he loved our place but wanted to send his child to an Outstanding nursery (go figure!), but other than that, most people have chosen us on what they have seen/heard.

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Our provison is different from other in the area and a bit of a drive away from towns, so being judged 'outstanding' has been essential.

Do you really think that's why people chose you wildflowers? your type of setting is rare and I would think parents buy in to your ethos rather than your grade don't they? ;)

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There are the parents who have been looking for a place like ours. (I was one of them, but couldn't find any so had to start one myself!) Then there are those who are worried that their child won't be prepared for school if they do something different. To reassure them, I believe that the 'outstanding' has been important.

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What is attracting some is putting others off, which is that we are outside each morning thoughout the year and that all children attend a minimum of three days (9 to 3) per week (except two-year-olds). Many parents want a bit of what we do on the side of that which they think prepares them better for school. But what we are and do requires regular attendance.

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