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we have been working on

  • Orders two or three items by length or height

over the last week and continuing next week. we have put children in order of size, and modelled language, as they are saying big and small, rather than long and short. we have had breadsticks for snack, with children having to use the correct language to get one!! and next week we have 3 different sized teddies and 3 different lengths of paper, and the children have to choose the correct paper to make a hat for a teddy of our choosing, check it fits and then decorate it, telling us why they have decided on that length of paper. hopefully they'll begin to use the appropriate language next week


I always find it odd that it says order two or three items. In my mind you can compare two but cant really order two. But hey ho that's the mathematical 'pedant' in me.


I completely agree with sooty re modelling of language, I still hear even in reception classes, staff talk about big and little when they mean long and short etc.

Experience, lots of practical ones where children can use that language, so Id think resources in continuous provision..have you enough for each concept?


With weight, I think its really important to give children experiences of things that are genuinely heavy...moving logs for example. If you have space, make a giant beam type balance of some sort in the outdoor space. Use real full food items in your role play eg bottles of water or cartons of juice so they get to feel what a bag of shopping actually feels like.


For capacity, have graded containers that look the same but in different sizes. Get them to fill the water tray, think about what they will use (they soon realise that a teaspoon wont really do it!).


For length, have ribbons of different lengths, and thicknesses. Collect sticks from the outdoors, always try to have something really long and really short. My latest purchase was a set of adjustable spoons to add to my spoon collection.


Id start with looking at each concept then seeing what resources you have to make it exploratory and fun. Model correct language as key, ensuring all staff know the correct language.


And good luck

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Thank you, that's really helpful.

Mundia could you elaborate a bit more on '....For capacity, have graded containers that look the same but in different sizes...'

I think you are very right when you say about resources as this really needs looking at. I'd quite like to make my own so if there are any ideas to keep costs low that would be great.

Thanks again


Thank you, that's really helpful.

Mundia could you elaborate a bit more on '....For capacity, have graded containers that look the same but in different sizes...'

I think you are very right when you say about resources as this really needs looking at. I'd quite like to make my own so if there are any ideas to keep costs low that would be great.

Thanks again

We do a similar thing, I don't get too hung up about the containers, we have various sizes and shapes - I quite like to find fancy shaped ones, some jam jars can be quite fancy, we have coloured water in jugs and he children pour from container to container, if we get a chance and they are listening we see if they can predict if all the water will fill the next container or not or make an overflow, it is a lovely messy play we cover the table with wads of newspaper, put the containers in trays and the children in aprons, they really enjoy it.


Hands on learning have a sale on at moment and have cylinders for liquids at 50p , we have been using the balance method for cake making which is really useful in teaching some of these areas and delicious results !

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