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Ok we have a music area, it's got a lovely wicker basket with instruments. We have a table for it currently we used to have it on floor on a rug, I've added CD player, frozen masks with cd, varied the instruments, steel drum every so often..... But it is the most unused area, I observe every area and if it's not been used much why? What do we need to do? But after changing things quite a few times I'm getting a little lost in finding inspiration!!! Any ideas???

We are pack a way, I was wondering wether to do away with the area and do an instrument wall thing outside x

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Do the adults in the setting use the area too? Could the children need an interested adult in which to learn from or to play and enjoy music together, someone to demonstrate and have 'musical conversations' with the instruments?

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Have you tried using the instruments outside...seems to work for us every time. Then it has the knock on effect that the children start to use things in the environment (railings/saucepan lids etc) or maybe change the instruments to other things you can make 'music' with?


we used to have small group times in the area, adult directed, and 'teaching'the children about the instruments and how to use them, children quickly took over and they then began to initiate the use of the area, often copying adults to begin with and then developing it to their own.

Plus ours was not every day, more like a day each week, rotating, when it was out all the time it was lost in everything else, too little and it became a nightmare area, so we had to work out the best timing for the children to use it but not find it a rarity and hence go mad with it.

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ours is really well used outside, with ribbon wands/scarves/fabric/dressing up clothes nearby to develop play


Thanks everyone, think I might go for more outside useage, we havn't got room outside for dancing with scarves we do this however in our physical area and group time. I might do more adult led around it we do change the instruments and theme such as pop music/classical etc. Might also try having the instruments in various areas instead of an area such as home corner, outside and small world.

Much appreciated :) thanks all xxx

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