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HI, Thanks for looking, the CP planning, would be done weekly by all staff annotating it, not expected to fill all boxes but to make sure we're covering all areas of learning.


im having problems opening the file, any suggestions? can someone upload it on a work document please :)


This is what I use. Each Key Person uses this for their key children.

They start the week with ideas or thoughts about activities and resources brought forward from the previous week and input from parents about weekend interests.

We developed this when the new EYFS first came in over a number of weeks when it was tweeked a fair bit. All my staff are happy with it now and new staff have picked it up very quickly.

Don't know if it will help but I'm happy for anyone to try it and would love to get some feedback if you do give it a go.

I like this, Pimms o'clock? It would be interesting to see a completed planning sheet! :ph34r:

Does the key person complete this for every child each week or just focus on two or three? Apologies if this has already been asked and I have missed your reply!


Hi DevonMaid

Each Key Person list all their key children and do this for all of them each week, sometimes and interest is sustained over a period of a few weeks and shows something along the lines of 'more of the same'


I'll see if I can scan a completed one in the next day or two


Hi all,


My first post but have been following posts on this forum for ages!


I like this too Pimms o'clock- looking forward to the completed planning sheet.


We are in the process of reviewing our planning as my preschool and baby/ toddler spend an hour a week per room completing planning and they don't seem to accomplish much in an hour! If that makes sense. A simple approach would work.


Also, how do you all review/ evaluate your planning each week? We also spend time printing off photos as 'proof' for ofsted to show that the children have actually had out what it says on the planning- if that makes sense (but have been told by a manager from another setting that this is unnecessary?! Wish everything had a template format! would make life so much easier if things were in black and white!


Apologies for the rant but we are due ofsted any minute so stressed!!

  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to add a couple of things.

Amina what you heard is correct the OFSTED inspector confirmed that there is no need to keep extensive obs or print pictures. We really do this to show parents as well.

Also she said their focus will be on what difference are your practitioners making to the children's learning and development.


So the planning sheet posted above would be very good in this regard as it clearly states (and we know that's the best way with OFSTED) what difference the practitioner made and what exactly the child learnt. This also give practitioners the chance to know how to answer those kind of questions and really think WHY they are doing something. I would think this helps in particular with less experienced practitioners who may take a little longer to complete this.

When we looked after a group of 26 two year olds with 7 key workers we really needed a Monday to Friday sheet but this was a summary for us we had similar planning as posted in their folders with their observations. Without a Monday - Friday sheet we were struggling to set up all the activities we had planned for and coordinate staff, so that was the reason for doing it.

Also be careful with planning sheets provided by the LA for instance by the quality improvement people. I showed the inspector one and she said if you used something like this you would get requires improvement because you're not showing what the children are learning. So always use anything with caution and be ready to explain WHY you are using it.

Hope you had OFSTED already and all went well.


  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


could i get some feedback about this plan.does it make sense, is it good enough? the baby room in the setting focuses on one baby per week and has activities planned for that babies interests/needs.what would be the next step?

weekly Plan X.docx


Hi Salus- The plan looks pretty straight forward. First impressions looks quite easy to understand and simple..I know you say that 1 focus child is planned for each week so are all the areas of learning on your sheet just for that child?

I tend to have to use a Monday to Friday with my staff at the moment so they know when to do things and what to set up each day! (don't get me started on that one!) So I might not be the best person to comment on your form as it is very different to ours.

basically our children are split into week 1 and week 2 and the key person plans for their group of children for the week.

Not sure if I have helped in anyway! I'm sure someone with a bit more experience of working with babies will be along soon!



Hi, so that's just for one child for a week, what about all the others? It looks a lot if work for one child weekly! Ours is also very different as we have individual next steps for each child for a half term (3 or 4) which the key persons are responsible for addressing - not all every time the child comes! Then I do an overall plan which links to the areas of learning in addition to the toys and everything that's available continually. So this may have potato printing, books with numbers, tuff tray with dried pasta and trucks etc on it and the children's initials linked from their individual plans. Not sure if I've been any help either sorry!x

Posted (edited)

Thank you for you feedback.


there are only 4 babies in the baby room so each week they focus on one baby so yes that sheet is tailored for one baby (but all babies will have access to the activities/resources put out), then next week it will be another baby. they don't have a monday to friday weekly plan to note what day they do the telephone talk and what day they do the painting, they either just spread it out during the week and when the activity is done they write the date on the plan or write the day they plan to do it next to the activity.

this was one of my initial questions to staff, if the plan is catered for one particular baby's needs/interest, how do they incorporate the other children's interests/needs into it. or is it ok to do it like this?

for the preschool/toddler room the plan is similar but with 3 focus children/week(one for each keyperson). i have attached an example that was completed by staff of a weekly plan for this room.Again, i'd welcome any comments!

I am on my training and trying to get my head around the whole planning cylce!

weekly Plan 2-5.docx

Edited by Salus

Great news and positive feedback so far, please, please keep me posted as I would love to hear how you all get on. :1b

Hi pimms,


Well I gave all my staff the sheets which I copied from u! They haven't filled them in yet!! I will c how it goes and let you know. Thank you so much for sharing, sometimes it helps if we all work together as much as we can.... After all we are all looking for the same result, supporting,nurturing,thriving,independent,confident children!! :)


Lisiloo x




I can't seem to open the file u hv put up!! Is it coz I am on ipad? :(

Posted (edited)

weekly Plan 2-5.docx


I can't seem to open the file u hv put up!! Is it coz I am on ipad? :(

i'm not sure.i've just tried and it worked. i'll upload it again

Edited by Salus

If you're on an ipad I find it works if you open in iBooks lisiloo?

My concern would be that they other babies would be getting 'left out' for the weeks when it's not there turn? I'm sure they wouldn't but could seen that way? We aim to do something based around a child's next steps every time they come, maybe you could have this plan for each baby which run monthly so the same amount of work but could dip in and out of each babies throughout the weeks so it isn't so much one baby a week? Just a thought x

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm just reviewing our planning format and I've sent yours Pimms to my room leaders! I really like it - would mean that the staff couldnt hide (not that they ever do) and you're showing ofsted how you are helping move the children on - I love it!!

  • 1 year later...

just been trawling looking for new planning ideas as ours is in need of review. We currently have 10-12 key children each and focus on one of them ( or two) per week. I would like to investigate each key person creating their own planing although I feel I will be supporting some of the less confident staff ( which is ok by me...) I will be having a go at Pims sheet to see if the manager likes the idea. I have a feeling it will not go down well with certain members of staff who do not like planning for one child let alone all their key children every week.

  • 2 weeks later...

I really love the idea behind your planning sheet Pimms o'clock. I would be very interested to adopt a similar method within my pre-school. Can I just ask how you avoid duplication of activities for children? Do you have time for a planning meeting?


I like the idea that staff take responsibility for planning for their keychildren and it certainly makes everyone accountable. I would be very keen to see a completed sheet if you are able to provide one so I can see it as a working document.


Thanks for sharing x


So do you put enhancements into the areas and they stay there all week or just for when the child is in?

The activity again is that just done once on the day the child is in?


Now this is going to sound very sad!!! Only we seem to have a massive problem with staff not setting out the activities and resources )

They seem to need a Monday to Friday sheet alongside their individual planning and continuos provision sheets to tell them what to do and when - am I being mean?

Same here Sharonash :( I sometimes think I am the only one who cares in my setting. Very frustrating


No you wouldn't need to. This sit along side our continuous provision which is planned to cover all areas of learning. As Helen has said observations and the assessment of these inform progress monitoring, and this format is very much about the child and what they are interested in right now.

Has anyone thought about giving my template a go? I would really love to hear from you if you do, thanks.


Just spotted 140 downloads, would love a little bit of feedback!!!!

Pimms, I downloaded a copy this week and went through it with my deputy and he agrees it seems like a simple process so we are going to begin trialling this before introducing it to the staff from the new term. We was going to do our first week from our starting points based on our assessments/next steps fromt he previous term and then work through it following the child's interests.


Does each key person in your setting currently do one weekly and include each key child? I was thinking if a staff member didn't have an 'enhanced activity/provision they would fill in a continuous provision example?


Hi there


Would really like to see Pimms' famous planning sheet but I can't open it on my computer - just comes up with random letters/numbers etc! Can anyone help me please??!!




I have been looking at ways to adopt Pimms planning sheets as part of our planning revamp but I am really struggling with how to approach this with my staff. I think if I just present the blank sheet they will just freeze as it is so different to our old style planning. I would love to see a worked example if anyone has one so I could show them how it works on the shop floor.


I think I will have to adapt this to a whole group sheet as I do not think my staff will complete this for their keychildren unfortunately, Maybe this could be a target for us once they have got the new planning style under their belts.


I'm excited to try something new for sure but not sure logistically how it will be received :(


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I have been looking at ways to adopt Pimms planning sheets as part of our planning revamp but I am really struggling with how to approach this with my staff. I think if I just present the blank sheet they will just freeze as it is so different to our old style planning. I would love to see a worked example if anyone has one so I could show them how it works on the shop floor.


I think I will have to adapt this to a whole group sheet as I do not think my staff will complete this for their keychildren unfortunately, Maybe this could be a target for us once they have got the new planning style under their belts.


I'm excited to try something new for sure but not sure logistically how it will be received :(


it looks like finally I will get the chance to change to this sheet too, to make it work we will be using it for one child per key person each week. Just to add, I find that quite often my key children have achieved their next steps by the time I assess them so I will not be filling each box on the sheet, just the next steps they have not yet achieved if that makes sense. I will have to change some of the wording too so hopefully the staff won't do to much eye rolling at me when we have a meeting to discuss it . lol

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I am sitting here banging my head against a brick wall! I am sitting here with my manager and looking how we can adopt Pimms wonderful planning sheet.


Basically our preschool has 60 children on role aged 2-4 years. Most key persons have an average of 10 children who attend a mixture of morning and afternoon sessions and some attend a full day. I can't get my head around how the girls will be able to plan when their children do not always attend 5 mornings or 5 afternoons. Some of our children just do one session per week. If all my staff are individually planning for their children how is this organised? Im waffling so for example,


A key person has observed that their child enjoys emptying and filling containers, they wish to embed this into next weeks planning and so enhance the provision in the water play area to accommodate this. However, another key person has identified that one of their key children has expressed a desire to play "washing up". My question is how do both key persons plans come together without having several water play activities out in the same session?


I really hope this makes sense but I'm confusing myself here and going dizzy!! I can just see that with every keyperson planning individually we will end up with loads of different activities and provision and we won't be able to fit it all in!


Hi, I don't have Pimms planning sheet, because we don't do planning sheets! But I wonder if you could adopt a 'focus child' system?

This way keypersons will only have either a 'child a day' to concentrate on or maybe 2, depending on logistics.


With regard the two activities at the water....could it not work if you had water out all week but made 'washing up' the activity one day and washing the dolls on another?.


Trying to meet, every child in the settings needs, is pretty much impossible, I find, in one week. We use the focus child and then have all other areas covered in continous provision. Each child then has quality support and teaching for that period of time. Has stopped us spinning in circles!

Posted (edited)

Hi we have a similar set up as you describe. Could you not have the washing up out with cups, bowls, teapots, beakers, jugs, spoons, saucepans, with cut up j cloths and tea-towels. You can still explore filling and emptying, full, empty, half full etc.

Hope this makes sense.:):)

Edited by Fredbear

tinkerbell1403, could you adopt a more 'planning in the moment' style. I used to work more like you are describing, so look at next steps/interests and then try to plan for the next week while also trying to match with other children's next steps. It was probably easier for me as I do all the planning so I wasn't having to consider what other people had planned but that meant I was also planning for 30 children. It always felt awkward and a number of planned ideas just didn't inspire/motivate the children as the moment had passed. So, now we have moved much more towards responding to children as thing happen. So for the child who likes filling and emptying containers, I would introduce different containers then and there in the sand/water and/or the next session they were in if that wasn't possible. I would record it on my spontaneous planning sheet so that everyone knows what is intended for the following session. Some things do feed over the the next week, from the end of the previous week or if we need to source different resources. I do not miss sitting here on a Thursday night trying to concoct different activities/enhancements that may or may not work. Any children that need targeting would be done so during their CI play - sometimes we might introduce a new resource but no full 'focused activities'.

Green Hippo x

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