Guest Posted October 10, 2013 Posted October 10, 2013 Hi, I would love some ideas on how to get parents involved with what we do at playschool. I have only been in charge since September. I have planned a parents morning to share info and have invited parents to come to a harvest service with us but I would appreciate some ideas on how to get them to contribute to what we plan for i.e. what are their children doing at home, what are they interested in at home etc? Does anybody do a learning journal? Thank you x <_<
Guest Spiral Posted October 10, 2013 Posted October 10, 2013 Have a search for 'wow' boards and wow moments. You will always get some parents who just don't feel they want to give much feedback, but for those that! Also, we have parents meetings where four or five are invited to come in for a chat with their child and we discuss what they all do and don't like (feeds back into the SEF really well too). Spiral :-)
korkycat Posted October 11, 2013 Posted October 11, 2013 Handing out named 'wow' slips every half term has helped with feedback and we send out an update form every term which includes sections on child's current interests as well as keeping contact/medical details up-to-date. We find there are a number of hard to reach parents who just want to drop and run and just want their child to be 'happy'! Still not found ways to reach them all! korkycat
Guest Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 We have slips on their child's LJ and when they come in once a term on stay and play we ask hem to contribute then, we use that to inform but the biggest contribution is on a daily basis when they come to collect their ch. at end of morning and parents chat to key staff, they pass on informative info without realising it ) I also hold coffee morning very informal but we chat then and I ask for feedback, ideas etc and just jot them down. Don't always get contributions from everyone but we will have done our best to involve.
sandrar Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 Hi, we have daily diaries that the children take home and bring back to their next session. Any special news or correspondence can be entered into here and can be used as a means of contact with parents who don't often get to drop off or collect.
Cait Posted October 12, 2013 Posted October 12, 2013 We are finding that Tapestry is bringing in some hard to reach parents too, do all of the above, but sometimes there are some that won't engage, and they are often the ones we feel we need to reach most!
Guest Posted October 17, 2013 Posted October 17, 2013 We have a interest and achievement tree board in our foyer with stickers that we encourage parents to add to. When we send our Learning Intentions home each term there is a box for parents to add their comments but like others have said it is that first thing in the morning and end of session chats where we gain most of our information.
Guest Posted October 18, 2013 Posted October 18, 2013 We give parents a 'parent page' A4 sheet of paper each term. At the top of the page we give them a few ideas of how they could contribute to their child's Learning Journey eg. a photo of their child riding their bike, with family members, dressed in their favourite outfit, playing with a favourite toy etc. Also a little bit about what they like doing as a family eg. going to church, visiting the park, favourite stories/songs, swimming, dancing etc. Most parents will write something if you help them by making some suggestions. We also use the 'wow' sheets.
Rea Posted October 18, 2013 Posted October 18, 2013 Try the 2 stars and a wish. If you do a forum search it'll be there. Its inviting everyone to write down 2 things they or their child like about the playgroup and 1 thing they'd like to see happen, whether its possible or not.
Guest Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 Looked for 2 stars and a wish can't find it though any ideas?
finleysmaid Posted October 20, 2013 Posted October 20, 2013 Two stars and a wish parents.docx this is our evaluation sheet .....but it can be easily copied to create any sort of evaluation (we often do it as staff evaluation peer on peer) hope that helps spiral
Emmawill Posted October 22, 2013 Posted October 22, 2013 We have home/school diaries that go home with the child at the end of the child's week. The keyperson writes a small paragraph of what the child has done etc and then then parent has to sign to say they have read it and can add their own comments or pass on information to us. We have a wow tree whereby parents can share a child's wow moment from home. We hold termly bring a famliy memeber to preschool for a stay and play session. We do alternate weeks each term and include mums, dads, grandparents ( favourite person should there not be dad around). This works really well, we plan things for the particular weeks e.g messy play sessions, crafts, gardening etc. We have termly keyperson meetings whereby parents get a one to one appt with their keyperson to discuss child's learning journey. We have just set up a facebook page, this has been very effective as I aim to update each day on what the children have been doing, use it to remind certain things i.e photographer in, wellie boots etc. I also have put links to tax credits, mums net and other hints and tips eg. help with toileting, sleeping etc. as some parents may look up online but are not confident enough to discuss face to face!. We have had lovely feedback from parents as they have said that their children always go home saying that they have not done anything at preschool but can now see what they do each day. We have nearly all of our parents onboard with this now!.
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