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Baseline assessment levels

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This is my first time doing a baseline assessment in nursery and I am still settling in children, modelling and setting up basic provision to let the children explore the environment and hopefully show me what they are acapabel of.... so far I still don't feel i really 'know' where the children fit in terms of baseline.


In nursery what are the expectations for chn coming in in terms of developmental stage?

I have overall a fairly able cohort. Would my ave. child be emerging or developing 30-50?



Any advice would be great... x


Only you can answer that as we don't know your children.


We don't do a baseline normally, but this year my staff have gone with their immediate gut feeling to put down where there children are, we did not place into developing emerging or secure. We will do this when we plot our data proper at the end of term 2


We would have an age related expectation of secure 22 - 36 emerging 30 - 50 to be on track to be secure 30 - 50, emerging 40 - 60 when they go into reception so they are on track for the ELGs.


The expectation is that they will be at a level which matches their age however this varies depending on your individual children. As a general rule my nursery children come in significantly lower in terms of DM age bands compared to their chronological age and I usually have a mix of children working 16-26 and 22-36 months and most years there are one or two working at 30-50 on entry.

We have spent the first four weeks getting to know the children, observing them and getting a feel for what they are capable of. I don't feel that I have a nailed on dead certain grasp on every child in every area but I now am in the process of making a best fit judgement on where the children currently are. We use Target Tracker so I will update that and it will tell me where it thinks they are, however as it is a computer programme it doesn't have any ability to read grey areas so I will use that as part of my assessment but will make a best fit judgement and reserve the right to over-rule Target Tracker if necessary!





PS As a school nursery I have always been required to make a baseline \ on entry (pick your favourite phrase) judgement in order to prove the progress we have made. I do find it a useful activity.


As a PVI we have not done or been expected to do an on entry baseline , we have always tracked progress 3 times a year but have really got to know our children first, so this year is a first and it has been done just for our info and help inform those few children I have that require a progress check


We are also a school nursery and similar to Melcatfish we gain a baseline after severalvweeks in nursery but were told that in baseline it has to be where they are secure not best fit on entry, therefore most children are in the 16-26 month age band with a few secure at 22-36.


As a PVI setting I was told at last inspection (2011) that we did need to do baseline/on entry levels

It's really hard as most of our children only come for 2 morning sessions a week, we tend to observe for the 1st 4weeks and then come up with a best fit - only problem is some of them are still not very settled and can take up until well into the next half term because they are so young.


Read the new ofsted inspection for early years and having a baseline is in the inspection. Read it on twitter, I don't know how to bring up the link, sure someone will ;)


Now we need to show assessment on entry how do you make that judgement to show the starting point and how valid will that be? I.e. a two year old who starts twice a week?

  • 2 years later...

just digging up this old thread, my manager is keen to start point of entry assessments, to fill out a document with parents and use it as a baseline for progress. If anyone does this, can you point me to a template that you use? thank you .

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