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Catholic hymn CD


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Our school is losing our piano-playing member of staff in December. Can anyone recommend any good CDs of instrumental music to Catholic hymns (not too slow and dull!!)? Have found one called No pianist for assembly? No problem! - anyone know of it? Is it any good?


Green Hippo x

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We use CDs at church, 'no organist, no problem' I think they are called. Yes, they are good. You can also sometimes download tracks from the Internet, and that would allow you to get a version you like

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We use both No pianist - no problem! at school and No organist - no problem! at Church. Both work very well, just have to make sure you are doing the right number of verses to match the CD!

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We use No-piannist no problem and it's great, I'd just second the check the number of verses comment above. We've got used to 'freestyling' the end of Peace perfect peace because we know the CD has more verses than the book but we can never quite remember how many!


We also have various Come and Praise CDs. They're good and it's sometimes useful to have the performance tracks so you can hear how the words fit the music. Not all of the CDs have backing tracks as well though which can make it not sound so good once you know the song well.

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