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We have noticed our parents pay no attention to their children's learning journey's or displays. They don't even come into the main room just drop the children off in the cloakroom and then go.


We have decided to start having an open morning/afternoon every half term when parents are invited to stay and look through their child's learning journey, play with their child or talk to us about anything.


Does anyone else do this?

Would you be willing to share a letter you send to parents to invite them in?


Thank-You :1b


Hi we do this every term, all journals are on display and parent/carers can sit with their child(ren) and look through them together. The invite goes on our monthly newsletter.

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Our parents are asked to help their child find their name before leaving them. They come into the main room and they have to open their child's drawer where their book is. This has really helped so have wow's from home we noticed parents like to check they have been put in their books.


We have an open day once a month.

Various days in the hope that parents who work might be able to attend one of the days at least.


We encourage them to chat, play, look at learning journeys etc.


We have it in our information booklet that these days take place, and then a sign on the parents info board with the date of our "drop in day" that month


Yep we have a 'stay 'n' play each half term on a diff day each half term.....still seems to be the same parents come along no matter what day we have it on though and never the ones you,d really like to see, like you most just drop and run, though we do encourage older ones to come in by themselves as not that big a cloak room, we have a magnetic/whiteboard on wheels for important info we need them to see or what has been going on through the week as most don't make it as far as the notice board !

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Guest terrydoo73

We have only been back 4 weeks and are a Playgroup so only a 2 1/2 hour session per day. We called a parents meeting at night in the hope that our parents would come and hear about what happens at Playgroup - we have had 6 new starters this term, 5 of whom we never met until it came to September so has been difficult to match children and parents in the cloakrooms some days! Unfortunately at our parents meeting only 3 out of 14 parents turned up! I have had to send out a separate note sheet on what was said at the meeting and plans for the future in terms of events. This was after we had sent out a newsletter at the beginning of the term. I hate having to resolve to written letters and making a point for all the children to take home what is in their pocket each day. I have had to text a few parents quite a few times to get them to return their basic registration forms and have still to receive some! We also included in our notes of the meeting a little questionnaire asking for ideas on possible events to raise a bit of money for the Playgroup - one parent even responded and said what about a little performance/play by the children and the parents pay to see it. I am waiting to hear the comment that parents are getting fed up with so much paperwork going home! Play days sound a good idea in theory but with some of our younger ones who are clinging onto mum/dad each day at present would it work? yes I do think it is important to have good partnership with parents but you can only do so much at times.

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I agree...it's the 'you can lead the horse to water......'


I wouldn't be letting them leave their children if they hadn't returned their reg forms before or on first day......you should try it, they'd soon get it in, but more importantly you don't have the information about them that you need to care for them, which could give you real problems if ofsted checked children on register against forms you have.


Sorry reading back that sounds a bit bossy......parents and paperwork really bugs me, mine even get a large bill if they don't return my funding decs by a given date....funny how they appear by end of session, I know I only have to put them on the adjustment form really.....but the parents don't. Mwahhaha :D

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Don't know if this idea might help - a slightly different 'slant' on it.....


Known as our 'bedtime hour' the children return to pre-school in their pyjamas while two members of staff entertain with stories, singing and nibbles. Meanwhile, I run a session in the hall where the parents are asked to come in, watch a slideshow of videos of the children at play which I comment on, explaining what hte children are doing and how this is supporting their learning. Keep thinking how good this would be to focus this on one area of learning.


During this, the parents get the opportunity to review their child's learning journal and profile. Event is run from 5.30 - 6.30 so not too late for hte children but exciting enough to be a special 'night' out, and give chance for working parents to join us.


Last time we did this, all but 4 of our children/parents came and afterwards someone said "it was great to have a parent's evening and not have to sort out a babysitter".


Just an idea!

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Do you have your stay and play sessions in one of the normal sessions you have to offer the children? Is this ok to do this, not seen as taking a session away from what you are offering each week? I would like to do this.


We have noticed our parents pay no attention to their children's learning journey's or displays. They don't even come into the main room just drop the children off in the cloakroom and then go.


You might find our latest project interesting Introducing Tapestry Online Learning Journal


One of the key elements is the ability for parents to access the information online at a time convenient for them and then be able to add content to their child's journal from out and about.


If you saw the topic title and thought it was all about sewing have another look and see what you think :D

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