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New Premises With An Upstairs Aarrgh Help !

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Hi all

We are a packaway preschool in a scout hall and now have the oppurtunity to move to our own premises. BUT it is on two floors which i know is a hurdle that we can cross i just need some gentle help over !!! Ive spent hours thinking about what areas to put where and how we are going to get the two year olds up and down safely whilst maintaing a free flow system. Any advice gratefully received. Thanks in advance xx


I may be wrong but I think it is probably unworkable to have free flow in such a building. However , having never worked in such a building I expect to be overruled!


My daughter's Playgroup was a pack away setting in an old Tythe barn and they had a downstairs where they freeflowed but used the upstairs as well. They kept the upstairs clear of equipment for PE/ parachute type activities and they spent a portion of each session up there and all went up together usually at the end of the session. If they could staff wise, the would leave someone to make a start on packing away downstairs. It worked really well, they couldn't have free flowed upstairs and down as the stairs were at the opposite end of the building a long corridor away from the downstairs hall.



dixonic76 Make it work!!! Busybeedebs ideas sound great and if - after far too many years setting up and packing away ( half my life I think) - I had the chance of a 2 storey building where I could get it all out and let it stay out I would be sliding down the bannisters with glee!! Though I may need a Stanner now to get up : /.......

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Thanks all ! Your completley right and we will make it work !! I have very de motivated staff and this is just the tonic we need so like Rafa says if it was a bomb shelter id make it work lol !! I think that the current hall has taken some of the creativity from us and its now a case of waking up abit and getting creative !!

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I recently visited an outstanding nursery that had long concrete steps leading out to the outdoor area from the pre-school room. They were just going to make this free flow! I'm sure you can make it work x


Thanks all ! Your completley right and we will make it work !! I have very de motivated staff and this is just the tonic we need so like Rafa says if it was a bomb shelter id make it work lol !! I think that the current hall has taken some of the creativity from us and its now a case of waking up abit and getting creative !!


That's the spirit! :1b


Hi we have 3 rooms over 2 floors. The downstairs room has free flow with all the different areas inc outside area. We keep the upstairs room clear and use one as a quiet room in which we can take small groups at a time to enjoy a story or small group activity away from distraction. It has been used for snack when we had a picnic, we have used it as a library, had learning journey key bonding time in there it is so versatile and useful!!! The other room we have used for physical play, ring games, acting out stories and more active type play.

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