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Hi, having bit of a dilemma as the children love taking home their work, so much so we have nothing for LJ's! I don't want them just full of photos and obs but this is what is happening. We encourage the children to stick things in their LJ's if they want to but a lot of them want to take it home for mummy etc which is understandable. I have taken photos of their pics etc and photocopied some but have manager on at me about costs so can't really do this. Am getting to the point of thinking do I encourage them to do it twice!!


If there was something I really wanted to put in the LJ at my previous setting, I would hide it before home time so that it couldn't be taken home. When the children had gone it would be put in the LJ ready to show the parents next time the LJ went home.

Just a suggestion, but the children didn't miss them too much and if I was asked where their picture had gone I would say that I wanted to put it in the special book so mummy and daddy could see it.


I have never actively put childrens work in their LJ's, I love that they want to take it home and know that most families enjoy looking at their work 'in the moment' as it were, to my mind it doesn't add to their developmental record enough to take that sense of acheivement away.


Our learning journeys go home everyday so the children are keen to put in anything they have done to show mum and dad! If they do anything at home parents are encouraged to put it their learning journeys so that we can see what they have done at home too!


imo these products belong to the children not to me. Without taking them home how are they going to tell parents what they did? How is the non attending parent going to feel involved? How are parents going to know how to play with their children at home and what they are capeable of?

Take photo's/photocopies or if it's something they are really in to then ask if you can keep one (and let them take them home if they say no!!) make a gallery and use the status of this space to encourage them to leave the odd product.

To be honest it really doesn't matter if you don't have products in their learning journeys....it should be about the process and the learning journey should reflect this not just having lots of stuff in it...this tells me very little about the child without observations of what they have said /felt etc while doing it!


We ask the child if they would like to copy it to put in their book, we have a basic scanner / copier , and they are usually able to do themselves


We found that asome parents would leave all the artwork in the children's folders and then every half term ask us to destroy them! At least by putting some in the LJs we knew that they were seen at home. Not ideal I know but I think it was down to the area the setting was in


Our next school year children choose whether to put it in their own drawer to be added to LJ'S (they will add things later with help of kw) or put in a screen to take home .....most choose to put in drawer, then change their minds as about to go out the door and run back to collect them :D, we don't have much in the Lj's , maybe a copy of something they've ascribed meaning too, early letter formation or when they can write their own name, but they 'write' in them anyway.....and I really don't want wet paint and glue in my drawers !!!


we had a gallery area on the wall where they would display or be encouraged to display some work, they were also encouraged to show whoever was collecting them their wonderful work on display for all to see.... after a couple of days they seldom noticed it being swapped for someone else's work and it would then go into LJ..


they also drew and wrote directly into the books, or stuck their own masterpieces into them, we tried to get the children involved in the books by helping KW with them during session time, they were more prepared to put things in them when they helped .


some were full, others had little, but all had something

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