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We have decided to observe so many children each week and plan for their interests/next steps the following week. We have worked it out so all children will be observed/planned for equally over the year.


Does this sound ok?



Also, this may sound daft but how do you show evidence that a child has 'achieved' their next steps?




Last question first - you could take a photo or just make a note and date against where you wrote what the next steps would be.


As to your first point, I'd say give it a try and see how you go. You need to have a system that is workable for you, and that you can explain, and occasionally justify, to anyone who asks. If it allows you to demonstrate that you have taken into account the planning needs for all the children, not just the one or two you have focused on - bearing in mind that it could be a long time for some children's 'turn' to come round, then I say try it and see how you get on. How are you going to decide the order of the children?

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thats how we have been doing it up till now, but now moving slightly away from that as some children have more 'next steps' to worry about than others...especially as we got to the last term, each keyworker had to add one child as focus for following weeks planning, but also found the children with KW's with more children were being added to planning less than kw's who had less children as they rotated more quickly which then didn't seem fair,


we have a section on back of planning sheet that is evaluated to show how well a child progressed with their plan 'next step' or didn't as the case may be, the keyworker then has to ensure that they give that child more support through cp or planning an activity and assess again, we also have box on ob form t0 record progress/outcomes.

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We have divided the children into 3 groups so each group would be observed/planned for every 3 weeks


We would still carry out spontaneous observations (photos and post its) on all children all the time


I can't think how else to do it. Wouldn't you have too many different interests and next steps if you planned for all children all the time?


Sorry I am so confused!

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it is all too confusing :blink:


i can see it would work if group isn't to big...i have a couple of kw's with 12 children and then part time staff that only have 5/6 and that's where the inconsistencies were showing up....but we may end up back there, it will depend on key workers keeping on top of where their key children are going really so that children don't get missed, i'm going to give them a record sheet to track when their children's individual needs/interests are planned for or when they're added to our planning sheets as 'would also benefit from or enjoy'.


We that is my staff plan individually for their key work children, they all have between 5-7 children.

some of them prefer to obs and plan every other week doing incidental obs weekly and sticking their photo's in and 'chatting' with the child on the week when they are not specifically planning


we also track data so this highlights any areas being missed.


this works really well, so give it a try for 6 months, i feel you need this time to reflect and iron out any problems


Key group size is varying through the nursery but largest groups are in pre-school(due to number of part time children) but this tends to get up to nine children max.

Staff plan activities/enhancements and implement them for all their key children each week aswell as incidental obs along the way (we are open 7.30-6.00, staff are full time which probably allows more flexiblity and time to do it). All cross referenced to the childrens DM.

They carry out a planned long observation to target areas lacking evidence every 4 weeks.

Staff get minimum 2 hours a week planning time as we have an extra member of staff above required ratios in all rooms also they can play catch up in the holidays when we are still fully staffed but nursery is at half occupancy. They tend to do the termly summary's in the holidays and track data for their own key group, the room leader then tracks room data and I track setting data.

Its a great system and I never get any complaints of not enough time......staff are not allowed to take any of the planning, observations or assessments home.

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