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Following on from Sue, I was the one locking someone in, when I locked the hall and left, leaving a member of staff in side, it was before mobile phones and it was a hall on a military camp, so she had to use the phone to call the guardroom to secure the hall... she could get out because of the fire exits but no way to ensure it was secure after she left.. they sent a Land rover with 2 armed guards to lock it up again!


In my defence.. I did see her leave.. and go into the shop next door.. trouble was she returned and went into the toilet without me noticing... and usually the cleaner was there at that time, but he was late, so I had to lock up.


I always checked after that one!


also had a staff member lock a child out in the garden.. similar thing... the child backtracked unnoticed by us after mum had collected...at least they were safely locked away!

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I got locked in the loo at the pub. Luckily there is a small window in the first door and I saw the landlady walking across the room. I knocked on the window and she came and let me out but she was far from happy, just slung the door open and stood back for me to pass, as if it was my fault!

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I got locked in the loo at the pub. Luckily there is a small window in the first door and I saw the landlady walking across the room. I knocked on the window and she came and let me out but she was far from happy, just slung the door open and stood back for me to pass, as if it was my fault!


Well how rude! :o


I 'dread' getting locked in anywhere 'tiny' - very claustrophobic - would probably have a major panic attack :( :blink: xD


I avoid lifts wherever possible - just thinking about getting stuck in a lift makes me feel 'funny'........


I got stuck in a lift once too. We pressed the alarm which sounded in reception but not in our lift so we didnt know anyone knew we were stuck. That was a major panic and I let the man know when he eventually let us out that his system needed changing!

Guest MaryEMac

I remember when I was 4 or 5 and we had been to the local shop. When we got home my mum saw a rat in the garden ( we lived on a farm). She grabbed my baby brother out of the pram, rushed in the house and shut the door, leaving me outside !!




I used to work in a shoe shop about 25 yrs ago and one Saturday we all locked up and went home as usual, first thing Monday morning (this was before Sunday opening) a very irate man came in and told us we had locked his daughter, our Saturday girl in the shop. There was no phone in the shop but luckily there was a back door into another shop where the staff hadn't gone home yet and she had got out through there. Needless to say she didn't come back to work!

About seven years ago we were at home one evening when the phone rang, it was my eldest daughter asking when would we be picking her up? she had come back from a school trip to Germany and was the last child left in the car park with her suitcase and a member of staff-oops


...was the last child left in the car park with her suitcase and a member of staff-oops


Done that to my oldest lad twice on Scout camps. Sitting on his bag in an almost empty field while Arkala and the other adults packed up the remains of the camp.

Lost him at MGM in Florida when he was 7, Lost youngest at Seaworld Florida 4 years later also when he was 7. There is something in that 7 years itch thing! :rolleyes:

Both tell me i'm a terrible mother, but I argue that they have much more heightened survival instincts than your average person because they needed it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I agree and when you think about it they weren't "alone " were they if they have a teacher or scout leader there and even in a theme park as long as the know who to speak to then it shouldn't be a problem. (makes me feel better about my parenting skills anyway!)

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