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xD huge sigh of relief!!!!!


To insure Lex as a learner, on a provisional licence, car and policy in her name, fully comprehensive, with Dad and I as named drivers....... £541.01 (cheapest £538 but no legal advice, highest £932.27)


Many insurers refused to quote as either she's too young or her car is too old :o



:( huge sigh of relief!!!!!


To insure Lex as a learner, on a provisional licence, car and policy in her name, fully comprehensive, with Dad and I as named drivers....... £541.01 (cheapest £538 but no legal advice, highest £932.27)


Many insurers refused to quote as either she's too young or her car is too old :(




Good news .. for now anyway... xD


We found that while on a provisional licence and only able to drive under supervision the insurance was OK..


Unfortunately all the problems come when they have a full licence and free to go it alone! :o


After searching quotes this week for my 19year old son, with a years no claims on a 1.2 car he is now paying £2500 this year it is £400 cheaper than last year!!!! :o


Its a good job he is working as it cost him £207 a month just for insurance. I accept boys are risky but on my village I have seen girls driving in an unacceptable manner and having friends with girls their insurance is £1000 less ayear Just doesn't seem fair!!!!


The boys should not all be tared with the same brush by these companies!!!! It does make me cross xD


Rant over Errrrrrr!!!


Friday it is our foster sons 17th birthday and guess what.................we are giving him his first couple of driving lessons as a present :(:o


We have spoke to him about future costs of driving and I'm sorry to say I used the old 'well in my day' quote.......I took lessons aged 20yrs but couldn't afford a car until I was 33 yrs. Still the lessons were cheaper when I was 20 yr compared to paying for them when I was 33 yrs.


Steve, before I took my driving lessons I used to ride my dad's 50cc Puch Maxi moped from the age of 17 yrs, got me used to traffic, got me where I needed to go and the lovely yellow crash helmet did wonders for my street cred image (not) xD:(

Don't know what the insurance cost though for mopeds.






Not of too much help to you Steve but I was intrigued by something my son said to me last night. He has a 19 year old working with him who had been paying a little over £200 per month for insurance for his old car, he had managed to save £1500 and bought a new VW Golf to which assembled company all sucked in their breath! but in the package, VW gave the lad 2 years FREE insurance, and he had to pay £140. per month for the new car in the finance deal.

Not of too much help to you Steve but I was intrigued by something my son said to me last night. He has a 19 year old working with him who had been paying a little over £200 per month for insurance for his old car, he had managed to save £1500 and bought a new VW Golf to which assembled company all sucked in their breath! but in the package, VW gave the lad 2 years FREE insurance, and he had to pay £140. per month for the new car in the finance deal.


I was thinking along those lines - after watching a TV ad last night. It then occurred to me that is possibly why there seem to be a lot of young drivers with new cars.


Occasionally there is an age set for the free insurance so you need to shop around to find one which will be OK for the younger driver... but would be worth considering..


My son also went for a quote on an older model car and found that fully comp was cheaper by half than 3rd Party .. work that one out!

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