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Level 3 On Site?

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Hi, at one time if you were training for a level 3 you were able to supervise a session without a level 3 on site, as long as you were working towards the level 3 - does this still apply - I have myself a situation where I need to be out, my deputy is not available and my next two senior members of staff are both working towards level 3 - can I legally leave one of them in charge?

I have asked my local early years advisors - three times and not had a reply...helpful bunch! :o


Unless it was an absolute emergency and there was nothing else I could do to prevent it, I wouldn't personally leave my setting without a qualified person in charge. I'm not sure what the Welfare Requirements actually say but I have always thought it was clearly stated that a Level 3 person must be in charge at all times.


When is this for and how far away from Maidenhead are you? I could come and babysit... :o


Hi Shirel


We used to be able to have a member of staff working towards a qualification but I'm certain that changed and the member of staff has to be level 3 qualified to be left in charge.


Hi i would give Ofsted a ring to clarify whether you can or not, but my understanding is that within the current EYFS statutory requirements it states their must be at least one member of staff at level 3 on duty at all times. :o


Thanks everyone I think not! I will have to think about our rota - my two level 3s both have the same day off and it's the one day where I am stuck to collect my own children from school - bit of bad planning on my part - oops

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