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Developmental Bands/age Appropriate

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If a child is working in the 40-60+ at this point in reception then they are age appropriate?

However, if that is so does this mean that they must be 6+ at the end of reception?

e.g. if i say a child is age appropriate now in March but they do not them get 6+ does this then mean they are now no longer age appropriate?

I am all confused!!!!!!!!!!!

My head wants figures but there are a good number who will not get 6 esp in CLL so can i say at this point they are age appropriate if they are working on stands with in the 40-60+

Does this make sense, I am really confused


Hope someone can help





Well, 40-60+ is quite a wide band. Can you not mark them as you have described - operating at an age appropriate level but unlike to achieve 6 by july?


That's the thing the band is so big and although they are working within the band it is as you say they are unlikely to get 6+. However, I am concerned that this looks as if they are age appropriate now but they will then look not to be age appropriate???????????

too hard for me to get my head round


You've lost me! When you say 6+ I'm assuming you aren't talking age, but a scale point?


40-60 is age appropriate with regards to dev' matters. At the end of the FS year, the aim is for children to achieve 6+ scale points, especially in CLLD and PSED.

Therefore can you not tell your head that they are entering, developing or secure within 40-60? You will then be able to show progress from now to the end of the year, but they still may not get 6+. Would that work?


Being secure in 40 - 60+ would indicate that a child was achieving the ELGs, ie working within the 4 - 8 points total range of the EYFSP.

A child can be within 40 - 60+ but not yet be attaining 6+ points. I would describe this as emerging if they were below a total EYFSP score of 4. and working at ELG level if scoring more depending on which aspect I was looking at, ie in CLLD there is LCT/reading, writing etc etc.


It's all about where they are at the end of the phase and the EYFSP was not designed as a predictive assessment tool


However to be at age related expectations in respect of EYFSP at the end of the phase I would expect them to be scoring totals of 6+.


78+ points total including 6+ in ALL 7 PSED/CLLD scales is a "good level of development".




Thank you. Yes i know all of what you have stated e.g. 6= points, magic 78, combined CLL+PSED etc. So maybe i should tell that for example 70% are working within the 40-60+ (APPROX 4-6 SCALE POINTS) But that not all these children will achieve 6+ and if i put 70% now and then at the end of the year only 60% achieved 6+ then this would look bad. Maybe it would be better to tell her the number of children who are on track to achieve 6+ in CLL, PSRN, PSED instead. I am all confused!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted (edited)

Why not tell him:


a) % children already at 6+. This gives baseline for his data as they won't go backwards.

Then b - % of chn who are in 4 - 5 band and likely to achieve 6+ by end of year. (June really cos that's the deadline).


a + b = current target % of children for end of year.


Any others who make good progress from below 4 to achieve 6 are a bonus.



Edited by catma
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