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Goldilocks And Three Bears And A Big Moan

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Hi everyone out there, hope you are all feeling better than I am right now. Having one of those days where everything i do isnt going right, really sensitive and emotional, tearful, cross and fed up blah blah....yes its that time of month aswell, the lovely Aunty Mary has arrived. And to top it all off boyfriend asks "Whats wrong with you? and the classic reply from me is to say "nothing" when he knows clearly there is, but when us girls feel like this you really dont know whats wrong. Men can't seem to understand that when we say theres nothing wrong, theres not a partyicular reason, we just feel emotional and the whole worlds againsts us. we cant really pinpoint exactly what it is. instead he walks out rather than giving you a hug. (Men will never understand us). Anyway enough about this i'm sure you get the general picture.


Anyway...on top of it all I'm not seeing the wood from the trees right now, with assessments, long obs to complete, next weeks planning...and the rest. I just feel so exhausted. Im in rec doing Goldilocks and 3 bears next week, which is a lovely topic and loads to do but i just can't think straight. Obviously making porridge and looking at size, but i just can't think of any other inspirational ideas. I wanna get the kids especially boys excited and motivated, doing measuring and nice things. Any ideas, help, anything at all would be a greast help.


Thanks for reading about my moan xxxxxxx


I loike to read it alongside Beware of the Bears. If you dont know the story its when the Bears get home, see the mess and visit Goldilocks' house. Very good ending :o

Can you provide materials so they can measure and make the furniture by size? What about extra furniture for Goldilocks to visit?

There have been loads of posts about Goldilocks, you can find them all here


Ah Rea, I was about to say that book - its great and our pre-schoolers love it.


Could you find an old wooden chair for the children to mend?


Could the children invent a new breakfast cereal that Goldilocks won't like if she calls again?


Don't worry about having the decorator's in - but I do wonder if our men should be able to mind read sometimes. Tell him that you need a hug - after you have told him on several occasions he might just begin to think for himself!


Oh how I know that feeling well "nothing" often comes from my lips and I wish that for once it would not be followed by 20 questions. 'Nothing' is a word meaning 'words can't describe how I am feeling' - a word has not been invented for it yet, so we stole the word 'nothing'. but at least he recognises I'm not myself, so I must not complain.


Goldilocks - lovely song which I can never remember.

Also, you could ask the children to find other 3 sets of objects of various sizes which they may find in the bears house.

But I'm sure that link will be of more use!


Take care.



When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears

what did her blue eyes see?

a bowl that was huge a bowl that was small a bowl that was tiny and that was all

and she counted them one,two, three


When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears

what did her blue eyes see?

a chair that was huge, a chair that was small, a chair that was tiny and that was all,

and she counted them one, two, three


When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears,

what did her blue eyes see?

a bed that was huge, a bed that was small, a bed that was tiny and that was all

and she counted them one, two, three


When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears,

what did her blue eyes see?

a bear that was huge, a bear that was small a bear that was tiny and that was all

and they growled at her ROAR, ROAR ROAR!


Soooo ..........I haven't come up with any great ideas.......but I thought the following might make you smile! xD




Men are happier people........your last name stays put.

The garage is all yours.

Wedding plans take care of themselves.

Chocolate is just another snack.

You can never be pregnant.

Car mechanics tell you the truth.

The world is your urinal.

You don't have to stop to think which way to turn a nut on a bolt.

Same work, more pay.

Wrinkles add character.

People never stare at your chest when you're talking to them.

New shoes don't cut, blister or mangle your feet.

You never have strap problems in public.

You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes.

The same hairstyle lasts for years, maybe decades.

You only have to shave your face.

You can play with toys all your life.

You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.

A five day holiday requires only one suitcase.

You can open all your own jars.

You have freedom of choice concerning growing a moustache.

You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness.

No wonder men are happier!


:o Are you smiling, popcorn?


Ah thanks guys there are some really great ideas out there. On top of it all i'v just been told that i will be observed for an hour-great!!! Feeling a little better now, need to get my head out of this stae and start planning next week. Thankyou all for your king thoughts.

Play play and sunnyday, youve brightened my day :o i love what youhave both written. Gonnahave a nice chill out bath, pjs on and get working. Thanks everyone for all your help. When i'm done i'll upload the weekly plan so that everyone can share it. Anything to save a bit of time hey. I did have it from last year but ages asgo my comp went a bit weird and alot was lost.


Thanks alot guys feeling better from this :( to this xD xxxxxxx

Posted (edited)

I'm pleased I have contributed to your smile popcorn, I rarely do that these days! Love the poem (if it is one) sunnyday! I'm sure we could all add to it!

Hope you've got a good weekend in store popcorn, or if not good, one that is not bad! Good luck with next week, this time next week it will nearly all be over.... but we must not wish our lives away! So chin up, deep breath and march on!


ppp :o

Edited by Guest

Hope you feeling better popcorn- love the posts everyone, such as wise bunch! Just found out I'm being observed doing PDR by head/deputy and EY advisor next week . So comforting to know I'm not the only one whose cup overfloweth for all the wrong reasons! :o


I came across this page and thought it might make you feel better...



For Goldilocks I remember using the when goldilocks went to the house of the bears song in dance. We started the lesson sitting in a space in the hall and mimed making imaginary porridge with big exaggerated movements (get your big bowl, pour in the porridge and milk, stir it with a big spoon, taste it, pull funny face because it's too hot... you get the idea!) then went on to singing the song and moving around the hall whilst doing actions (creeping into the house, counting whilst pointing with big arm movements high, middle and low etc) Then at the end they could choose to either be a bear (big, medium or small) and roar, or to be goldilocks and run away screaming. They loved it!!


Also have you made your home corner into the 3 bears' cottage? With different sized bowls, chairs, teddy bears etc. They could write sorry letters from Goldilocks to the bears, make wanted posters with some words describing Goldilocks and a picture.


I made a board game too. It was a board with pics of different sized bowls, chairs and beds and two big dice, one with big, medium and small on it and the other with bowl, chair and bed on it and they had to roll both dice to try and get all the different pics which were also printed onto card that they then put over the same pic on the board. I made an activity out of getting the children to set the rules, e.g. what happens if you roll a small chair but you've already got that pic. Do you get another go or do you have to wait til your next go? Then played it as another activity, then put it out in continuous provision. They all really enjoyed this, even my little chap who always wanted to win accepted it when he didn't fill his board first. the children came up with the rule that when you've filled your board you still roll the dice but then give the card to one of your friends who needs it so everyone was involved with the game until the end.


I can't think of anything else for now but I'm sure all the lovely FSFers will come up with more xxx


Oh my gosh!!!! how great is that link you sent. How very very apt. That needs blowing up, laminating and placing in my car, at school, my house....ha ha ha its brilliant. And thankyou so bvery very much for the activities...loads there to think about and incorporate into the planning. I shall be using all of those.


Quick ?, i'm being observed weds for an hour. Whatr do you think of the idea of getting my chn in a small grp, to make a new chair for baby bear? or getting them to think about the three chairs/beds and make in the construction area. They will need to think about the materials they would use. ie hard for daddy bear, soft for mummy bear...just right for baby bear ...their choice of fabric? Or another idea....using clay make the three bowls fpr the bears.


Any thoughts on that would be great




Could put out a selection of shoe boxes of diffrent sizes for chn to choose and make comfortable out of selection of materials.


xxxx Ican see a trip to boyes for material




Just to add to this for my observation, i could ask the chn to bring in their own bear from home, and they make make a bed for their bear. There will be lots of ways to get the chn thinking about how we would measure the bears to check that it fits. We will obviously have different sized bears, so later on in the week the chn could order their beds, bears in size. Any thoughts?

Just to add to this for my observation, i could ask the chn to bring in their own bear from home, and they make make a bed for their bear. There will be lots of ways to get the chn thinking about how we would measure the bears to check that it fits. We will obviously have different sized bears, so later on in the week the chn could order their beds, bears in size. Any thoughts?


that sounds brilliant! Good luck xxx



Had a complete change of plan and it worked (outstanding) thought id just let you guys know if you are stuck for ideas lioke i was untill...out of nowhere this idea came.

Mummy bear wrote a letter to rec chn. Basically saying that G'locks popped by and said how very sorry she was for breaking BB's special chair, eating his porridge and sleeping in his bed etc. So now they are best of friends and BB has invited G round for a sleep over. As you know we only have 3 beds in ouir cottage, so please can you measure G up so we know how big a bed we need to get for her. Mummy Bear had packed some items in a bag to help with measurement


i.e: measuring jug-do you think its helpful to have a measuring jug to measure the length of G? No we used the measuring jug earlier to measure the milk for our porridge

Scales: mmmm i wonder why Mummy bear packed us some scales? Will tht help us measure the length of G? Nooo we used the scales to measure out the porridge oats

also in the bag were cardboard cut out hands, feet, tapemeasure, ruler, unifix cubes. We explored all contents in the bag and discussed which would be good to use. We layed G on floor in centre of circle and basically chose to use the unifix cubes. G was 21 cubes long. All chn counted out 21 cubes some needed support and chn went off into the different areas-Pdough, lego, construction etc. One child went to the MM area and planned a bed first in the area. Had great language, lots odf discussion problem solving etc.


Lesson plan and letter attached should anyone want to use it.


popcorn xxx

Sorry i cant attatch the letter i deleted it and have gone to my recent documents to get it but not possible. xxx

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