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Advice Needed Please On Setting Up

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Hi everyone


I have stumbled across a playgroup that is currently only running for 3 mornings a week and only opens for 2 hours each day, now as a result the children don't access the NEG due to the hours and the fact that the current leader does not want the hassle. She has ran it now for over 30 years and close to retiring.


Now I don't know the full background and not sure if she is reluctant to retire as she feels the setting will close. It is attached to a school as the have no nursery and the nearest nursery is 20min bus ride away.


I know it's a fantastic opportunity but just not sure where to start or even how to approach her. I'm not entering this blind, I am currently a playgroup leader but feel this setting would be a fab opportunity if given the chance.


But i don't know how to approach the leader. Any hints or tips or should I just leave it


Is this group in your Local Authority, SazzJ? Are there any network meetings or social events where you are likely to be able to talk to her informally about her plans?


Or could your development worker make an approach on your behalf by finding out what her plans are? I'm not sure how you've got your information but it could be tricky if you've found all this out from another person because that might make it difficult for you to be open and approach her yourself about the possibility of buying the setting from her.


Either way, I think it would be worth talking to your LA about this, especially if there is a likelihood of the group closing in the face of a strong demand for funded places in your area.


Good luck - what an exciting venture!




I am not sure if it's private or not, only know that she is a dinner nanny and set up the playgroup so her own children had somewhere to attend.


It's not in my LEA or the one I work in either so this is where it gets tricky lol, and very tricky at that.


The opportunity is there but it's finding out how to grab it lol


I'm guessing you're somewhere where a few LEAs are quite close together - I think I'd start with my LEA liaison teacher to ask if her teeam knew the equivalant people in the LEA the setting is in, to get the name of someone from the setting's LEA who can give you more info, ie are there any plans already in place to take it over.


owww lucky you - personally i would speak to the lady who runs it and get some ground info then if viable speak to the LA that its in and enquire - good luck x :o


must admit I too would go direct and ask.. all that she can say is no and put you right..


and personally if I was in her situation and rumours were going around.. I would want to know ...




SazzJ why don't you go to her and say that you are a leader in another group but that you are interested in having your own group so you are going round asking if any body is interested in selling or have thought about it for the future.

If not write to her and let her know who you are and ask to meet her,

It can't do any harm.

Good luck


Good luck with this i think i would approach her directly, as there may be others out there thinking exactly the same as you and may pip you to the post.

Let us know how you get on it sounds very exciting. :o


Well if she isn't in your local authority you have nothing to lose by approaching her directly. The worst that can happen is that she'll say no, and if that happens then you don't have to continually meet each other at meetings or other functions locally.


Go for it - I hope it all works out for you!



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