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Admissions For 2011


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Im wondering how anyone is going about changing their admissions for Reception classes - sept 2011.

We currently have a long process meaning that only in the last term are all the children in together full-time.

There are only two starting dates (sept and jan) but we have part timers included in all that. So I am excitedly looking forward to the prospect of all the children having close to a whole year in Reception. However, now I am faced with a decision, of how to change it, what to set up and what would be best for all involved. Do I do a staggered start over a few weeks, the first half term or the whole term?

So I would be interested to find out how other schools organise their admissions and/or how you may be changing it for sept 11.


Thanks, Amanda

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All of our reception children start full time too unless there are issues/ split placements and we only have September intake!

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And they all start on the same day?

I would love this, but some of the parents who had children who only went full time after Easter told me that their child slept every afteroon when they were part time. I know they would get used to it, and of course I can make exceptions, but I just wonder how they would cope. Its just what expectations we give the children I guess - as usual! Set the boundaries.

Oh to have a whole class for the whole year just sounds too good to be true!

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If children have been in Preschool full time in the previous year, then could they be full time straight away? Ask the parents what they want on the home visits. A lot of post-preschool parents complained here when there was a staggered start as it meant they'd have to take weeks off work, and these children had been full time with us anyway. We collected them at lunchtime and brought them to Preschool for the afternoon to help out

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our school reception have 1 intake, the children usually start a few days after the main school -this year school starts back on a thursday- reception start back on the following monday. they have a gradual settling in period -

week 1 - finish at lunchtime

week 2 -finish after they have had lunch

week3 - full time, unless its thought that they will have difficulty doing the whole day, but we find most of the children are ready to go full time, and they soon get used to a full day (if they havent had one before)


they have inductions the previous term, when they go into school for 2 , 3 hour sessions for approx 6 weeks.

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We have a FSU so most of our reception children will have spent at least 2 terms in the unit before moving into reception so we have no real transition issues. The children from other settings usually spend 3 sessions a week for the last month visiting we mix mornings and afternoons so new children get to know everyone.

We've tried staggered intake but find it more unsettling for the children

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Most of our Reception children were full time in the nursery so they stat the first day back. A for the new reception and nursery we do the following

Day 1 an hour with an adult

Day 2 1 hour by themselves

Day 3 a morning or afternoon

Day all day

However if we have issues with the child settling especially the nursery children we slow it down a bit.


My little boy is starting nursery at a different school on Thursday and he goes in all day straight away, which considering he has been at a childminder since 20 weeks old full time I'm sure he will be fine.

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Thanks for all your replies, it will give me much food for thought and points to discuss during INSET with my LSA's.

Enjoy the start of term!

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Schools in Cornwall are very different. Most of them do half days till half term with the last few weeks including lunch then go full time, but one school I know of does half days till half term (Oct) then if your birthday is before the 1st march you go full time but if not it’s half days till Christmas!!

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Bear in mind also that parents will have the choice to not take up the reception place until January or April, and the school must still 'hold' it so you may well still have a few chidlren beginning with you at other times. It remains to be seen how many parents will choose this option though, but it is available to them.

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Bear in mind also that parents will have the choice to not take up the reception place until January or April, and the school must still 'hold' it so you may well still have a few chidlren beginning with you at other times. It remains to be seen how many parents will choose this option though, but it is available to them.


Hi, is there going to be new legislation for 2011 enrty? We currently offer Sept start only and they have 2 half days and then full time.

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Hi mundia i totally agree with you but how many parents/carers realise that they have the option to delay start date and that the school must keep the allocated place for their child.

Not many i'd say.Yes i gather one entry for school year starts in 2011.

Edited by bridger
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