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Responsiblities Of Committee Members Of Pre-schools

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Hi there,


Never posted on here before-just wondering if anyone can offer any advice on responsibilites that commitee members of pre-schools have? We are in the process of starting a small committee run pre-school, and while ofsted are very clear about the role of the nominated person, they are less clear about what the roles and legal responibilies are of the other members. My (limited) knowledge of this- and i may well be wrong- is that the commitee as a group are responsible in law for the provision, and that the nominated person is responsible for ensuring that the manager is competent in their role, but do the other commitee members have any legal duties to carry out? If the nominated person and the manager are one and the same person, is the nominated person regulated by any other commitee member? I would be gratefull if their is anyone out there who can help clarify roles/ responsibilies legal duties ect.



Many thanks!


I have the role of Manager/ Supervisor of a Pre-school and I am also the nominated person being the one with Early Years expertise. My line manager - a parent is the Committee Chairperson who has no expertise in Early years but had to be interviewed by Ofsted as a suitable person !


The committee will have to comply with a set of rules namely the constitution. A sample one can be found on the PLA website which you can adopt if you are a member. http://www.pre-school.org.uk/document/153


Best of luck!


Hi if you are committee run provision or having to fill in forms from Ofsted for enhanced disclosures the form you now require is called a EY2 not now a DC2 as on a previous post. I'm sure they change the lettering just for the fun of it. Also the PSLA have a document for all committees highlighting the roles and responsibilities of a committee. :oxD


Hello new2this and welcome to the forum. You have certainly come to the right place for your query, and pre-school committees are a popular topic for discussion.


I've moved your post into the Committee members area of the forum. It might be worth a browse through this section to see what other discussions have been had around this topic :o

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