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why do some pre-school choose to open for 48 wks as apposed to just term time or the full 51 weeks or what ever it is. Is it so that everyone can take their holiday at the same time. Stupid question i know


I think it could be in response to parental demand for year-round childcare, and so staff can take their holidays at 'of peak' times.


It's not a stupid question! It's something we considered, but because my staff have children of their own to consider, it isn't something we could do. Also - I enjoy my recharge summer 'break' :oxD


me too cait i love my recharge in the summer


i dont need to be off for hols now as my children are older but i would find it hard to give up the lovely lovely holidays


Something which has often crossed my mind is that the majority of our parents don't go to work, at least, not in the mornings. So if we stayed open all year, would they really want to put one of their children into pre-school while the others were on school holidays? I decided probably not - not for all of the holidays anyway! That's just one of the reasons we close - the other is the much mentioned recharge of batteries, needed ever more by me these days.

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