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but ??? xD

but I seem to mess up a lot :( (totally gaga)

I'll leave you all in the capable hands of our resident computer genius, who I'm sure will open it in a trice (whatever that may be)

Going for a lie down in a dark room now, please whisper :o:(

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GREEN???? What do you mean green?? Why arent they white any more? Who's coming for me!!!!!??

I'm not really mad, it's all an elaborate plan to avoid challenging situations. It's working too :oxD

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Thanks Steve.


I will have to ask youngest daughter when she gets in if we can have the relevent program to open the thingamy(very technical) i am sure Rea understands what i mean. Rea if you are gaga at least you are amonst friends- don't mean to offend anyone.

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Whatever happened to styrofoam cups xD:o

Oh to be back in 1988, when all we had to do was "observe" :D:D


I do miss those fun "play" days.



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