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St Patrick's Day


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:o We're having an 'Irish week' the week of St Pat's. Haven't got a clue what its going to entail yet, its a whole school thing (possibly to do with linking to schools in Ireland but I'm not sure) thought I'd be super geeky (well best now while i'm on hols and feeling inspired!) and try and get some ideas in advance as these things usually are geared at the older kids. Any ideas of activiies of ANY kind we could do would be much appreciated. Musical, creative, whatver. All I keep thinking of are shamrocks and snakes....! xD

Pot's of gold at the end of rainbows so lot's of rainbow activites. Little leprechauns wearing green - perhaps a 'green' day? (not to be confused with the band Green Day :D ) The Irish flag - not sure what it is though! Potato printing. Now I'm really getting desperate - need a lie down! :o


Thanks Beau-will suggest that. How did you make the golden harps sue?


We got big boxes, the kind you used to use to pack your shopping in at the supermarket, so - thick card and cut out a basic harp shape - cut the middle out, too, or it won't be so effective! This is really hard, so you'll probably need them pre-cut for the children. Unless the name's Greystoke :o The children decorate this with glitzies to their hearts' content, then, when dry, attach thick thread (waxed is ideal) like harp strings - you don't need too many- voila!! If you want to be really pedantic, you can try attaching things for tuning, like the machineheads on a guitar, but the ones we did (without) looked great on our display, bit 3D, and the children really enjoyed it - specially the 'friend of a friend' who brought her harp in to look at!!


Sue :D


Thanks Sue-they sound fantastic. You didn't take a phoo of the display by any chance?


I think I've got a photo of the 'mini-display' which went up in reception - just one harp, but bigger. I'll try to find it for you :o


Sue :D


Oh no!! xD You're not asking Sue to do something technical like put a photo on the forum. :o Take cover everyone!! :(:(:(




My mum is Irish and I always borrow some of here Irish CD's for the children to dance to. They love the quiet calm Irish lmusic and are able to move around the hall with control and then I put on some fast Irish dancing and they are begining to move around with control and can copy simple dance steps.




TUrn the children into snakes and then banish them!


could also try Finn McCool his wife Oona and the giant Cuchullain, if you can find a story, I think the book I had is now out of print


Sue-that would be great thanks

Carol-will deffo do the music-as long as noone watches me dance!

Catma-I would definitely have loved to do some banishing today!!


Make Soda Bread get a recipe from Google, Do any children go to Irish dancing classes get them to do a mini Riverdance :o


Whow - big! Hope you've all got your heads on sideways, today, too!!


But I did it. Any damage under the table Rea???


Sue :D


Never underestimate a Sue...... :o:(:(:D


Sue :D


Next time I'll try to get it right way up, promise!! Anything you can do to help here, Steve??? xD


Thanks Sue! Looks great.

Mimi-wight make soda bread too. One child does Irish dancing so I'll talk to her mum.

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