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Writing Up Observations


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Hi !

I was wondering if anyone can give me some advice on typing up some observations on the computer, I have for an assignment.


Normally I just write them when at work, but never have had to process them on the computer. I don't think the observation form I've got will be big enough to type in all the information and unfortunately I'm not good at typing or ICT so can't produce my own.

I did read on another thread about someone numbering the lines in their observations, how do you do this and in what format ?


I also need to do a target child observation and we do not do this kind of observation in my setting so have no sheets, could someone be kind enough to post a template for such an observation ?


I'm rapidly running out of time to hand in my next four assignments and really finding it hard to get motivated. I'm beginning to think about giving it up, as I don't seem to be able to understand what I'm suppose to do and its making me very stressed.


I'm also finding it very hard to research and find relevant quotes and references at the correct level, especially academic journals and as to understanding the writing......


Hope someone can help !



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Oh dear Motherclanger, you do sound down at the moment. I've only ever done a DPP course and that was in the 90s it was a bit of a study shock to the system back then and I don't fancy doing degrees, etc. but having gone so far - I wouldn't give up on anything - just think of all the hard work you have already put in and the things you have had to sacrifice to do that - you must keep on, and I am absolutely sure anyone else coming on here in the next day or so will tell you the same.


I type all my observations up if they are lengthy, I use the template on the EYFS Disc and I tend to do narrative observations and then at the bottom assess what I've seen and what I'll do next etc. i will happily put on one of my blanks for you if you think it will help, but if you have been on the EYFS disc and seen their formats and are not keen it won't help much.


A target observation was something which used to appear in a particular book about observations years ago, I'm sure I could mock one of those up for you and send it to you. There is a lot of "shorthand" to use with those however, - a lot of abbreviations so that you can record a lot of complex information - is that the type you mean?

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thinking of you, as panders has already said keep going, is there anyone you can talk to from the course about the difficulties you are having and if they have a solution. :o

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I don't think the observation form I've got will be big enough to type in all the information and unfortunately I'm not good at typing or ICT so can't produce my own.


When you say you already have a form do you mean one already on the computer, a sort of template that you've been given? If so in what way won't it be big enough? Might sound like strange questions but I can't quite picture how you mean.

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Hi there Motherclanger - hope you're feeling a bit more optimistic this morning!


We have a very basic observation form which can be filled in by hand or on the computer - I'll PM you a copy. I have never felt the need to number each individual line of an observation, however if you need to do a very in depth evaluation I can see it might be useful. That could easily be done by inserting another column onto the form. I can do a version of my form to incorporate that too, if you'd like.


There was a discussion about target child observations, and the codings that you need to use on here before, although from memory there might have been copyright issues with some of the material uploaded onto the Forum - I'll go away and have a quick look to see what I can dig up. I think it is covered quite comprehensively in one of my observation text books though - you could try google books to find the information.


It makes me sad to hear that you're considering giving it all up as a bad idea, although I do know that everyone goes through that stage at some point or other during their degree (well I know that I did and most of my study buddies did too!). It sounds to me as if you're feeling pretty unsupported, and I wonder if you have a college/uni mentor who can offer advice and support to help you see the wood for the trees again and get back on track. If there are specific things about assignments you don't understand, then it isn't being explained properly and you need to raise this - I'll bet you're not the only one who is confused. Its just that quite often people aren't brave enough to admit it! You have so much to offer and it would be a great pity to give it up at this stage - both professionally and personally.


Remember why you started this whole journey? Have a think about that and hopefully you'll get a bit of missionary zeal back again!


Am off to look at my bookshelf and observation forms etc but in the words of Arnie - I'll be back!



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Hi all !


Thanks for your replies and encouragement !


It has helped me and soon I'm going to get started again on my studies, I don't think having a break was a good idea for me !


I do know how to do a target observation, but normally I draw out a form and write it up by hand. So hence have no computer generated template,as we don't often have to do one ! Unfortunately for me I am useless at ICT and have no time at the moment to concentrate on producing forms, as I need the time for working out how to use the Communication in print program as part of my study skills ICT assignment.


Maybe I'll try tomorrow !



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Don't despair! I felt just like you this time last year and I'm still going.


I thought I would never get the assignments done (mind you I still feel like that!) and I felt like I was reading a whole new language. It does all sink in eventually if you just keep going a little bit at a time. Don't try to read large amounts - it just fries your brain.


Just take small steps and you'll be surprised how much progress they add up to.


As for ICT - I'm pretty inept at that too. My 11 year old had to put my powerpoint presentation on outdoor play together for me! Practice makes perfect which means I'll never really get to grips with it. Hey ho....

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I do know how to do a target observation, but normally I draw out a form and write it up by hand.

Sorry MC - clearly I need to brush up on my basic reading/comprehension skills! :o



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Sorry Maz !

I didn't mean to sound rude ! I just didn't make myself clear as to what I needed !

I have just been into work to retrieve my observations and surprise, surprise I can't find them all !

I'm beginning to think we have a ghost in our hall, as the times things have disappeared then miraculously re-appeared is rather scary !

Things are not looking good for me to complete this assignment on time ! I will have to try and do a few more observations next week to see if I can make some kind of effort or attempt at handing in my assignment !

I have spent yesterday making forms for my target observations and action plans for my reflective practice assignment, now I better get on and put something in them !


Thanks everyone for your help !



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Well it does sound as if you're a bit more positive and making a plan, MC. Is there any scope for you to ask for an extension?


I hope your child will be co-operative next week and that you'll get lots of really good observations!


Chin up!



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