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Worried Beyond Belief.....


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Hi all

Ofsted are in on Mon and i have a major worry. We have parents in on a monday afternoon for an hour for a play date. We use this to share information about children, parents contribute to learning journeys and they get to experience whta their child has been doing. My major headache tonight is that we are due to start this with this terms intake on mon. Obviously every parent in the fs has not been CRB checked i have spoken to head and he said we are to carry on as the benefits of parents being involved are so great. He said give them a talk about safety and safe guarding etc... I am so worried that we are going to kick ourselves in the foot as parents are not CRB checked. Do you think we should cancel or do as head says


I welcome your opinions


A very worried lola

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soory I do not know official party line answer but do agree with your head that the benefits mean these valuable opps MUST continue! surely the parents will never be in positions where they are not in the company of CRB checked staff whilst in your setting? hope your mind is put at rest soon and good luck xxx

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Do parents have to be crb checked if they are only in now and again and not alone with the children? Sorry if that is a really stupid question. I am assuming that not all parents come every week- but not sure if that even makes a difference? Guess am thinking of an open day - parents might come in and join in but will not be crb checked for this.

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No-one needs to be CRB checked unless they come into the setting at least 4 times a month. Obviously you will not be leaving a visiting parent alone with the children. You should definitely carry on, as OFSTED are very keen on parental involvement. also, if you cancel the event the parents might well moan to the inspectors. Relax, it sounds as if you are very welcoming to families! :o

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Parents coming in for this wonderful opportunity do NOT need a CRB check. We recently had this message from our Safeguarding unit in our LA


"The issue really is 'frequency'. If the Member of Staff / volunteer is at the setting once a month, three times in three months, or overnight, then they would need a check. This is if they are 'on the same premises', even if they are not having contact with the children and regardless of whether they are paid members of staff. This really is about the possibility of them gaining access to the children and also because children & their parents don't necessarily discriminate between washer uppers and keyworkers, seeing any nursery staff as 'safe'.


For your parent hearing children read, then the frequency test is the issue and actually, once a month isn't really that 'frequent'! This applies as well regardless of whether the helper is in the setting for 5 minutes once a month, or two hours weekly.


Re visitors to the setting, they don't automatically need a CRB check, but should not be left alone at any time and the setting need to risk assess really. This is particularly in the case of builders and the like and whether there is any chance they will be around when the children are.


If the visitor is a one off - e.g. father Christmas, then they wouldn't need a CRB check, but it would be good practice to ask if there is any reason why they shouldn't be near children (obviously in a diplomatic way!), so the registered person and / or manager can satisfy themselves they are 'suitable' to be in the setting. But if there is a monthly visit from the donkey sanctuary, then the frequency test would apply and they would need a CRB check!


As usual, it isn't always clear cut! This is an issue which has been in the media recently in relation to the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) as visiting authors were saying they would boycott schools as they would need to be ISA registered. The information reported in the media was incorrect as the frequency test also applies in those circumstances. I would always advise anyone to consult with one of us if they are not sure whether a check is required and we can clarify."


What you are doing is an excellent partnership with parents so please do not jeopardise it by thinking they all need CRB's.


good lcuk Ofsted will love it!

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Lola, it is your head's responsibility not yours and you should not in any case go against him/her.


As others have said, Ofsted will like the fact that this is going on but do expect to talk to them about it and the merits of the system. Im sure it will work to your credit and not be detrimental.


Good luck.

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I know it might not seem like it now...but what a perfect time for them to visit when you are embracing the very principles of the EYFS......agreed no CRB needed for this type of event....but you can emphasis the fact that you are vigilant and aware of children remaining supervised at all times by qualified staff and their own parents.

The last inspection I had Ofsted turned up when we had a coffee morning...it was terribly hectic and lots of parents.....the inspector was thrilled with the interaction and their was no mention of CRB.

Edited by Guest
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I think the "O" people will love this too!!


CRB's should be done if anyone left alone with children was my understanding not just when parents coming into chat/ share info.


Good luck for Monday x

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Agree with posters above. Parents do not need CRB's as long as supervised. However, in specific response to committee members statement (sorry, can't scroll up for your name), they absolutely must be notified to Ofsted using EY2 form (available from Ofsted website), and this will then automatically trigger an Ofsted CRB proces, for which the setting will not be charged.

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As with everything about Ofsted rules and goalposts are moved on a regular basis. :o


We were told two weeks ago that even our committee members who NEVER come into the setting have to be CRB checked!!!! I give up!! xD



This is no change in goal posts......


Committee members have had to be checked with crb for at least the last 5 years , probably longer..I lost count of when this started... they are the registered persons..


Chair is often the contact but the whole committee are the registered persons as a body, not just one person which is why this happens..


Was the bain of my life... I would send 5 or 6 registered post... one would get a CRB form...

Ofsted would then claim never to have received the others... all in same envelope!

Copy 2 sent... then a few would be checked, and same again told never received all forms...

by the time I had them all done it would be a year passed to start all over again..


never found a way to make this work...


Really became fed up with sending same papers off to be told I had not done it! But they were all in the same envelope.. how did they lose 5 and process 3 ....



good luck all with this one... so glad not to have to do this one any more....

(well unless they cannot get enough on committee... I seem to have volunteered for a fall back... to ensure they stay legal...)





sorry this has nothing to do with original post.. I would not worry about parents coming in on an irregular basis... it is a good thing.. working in partnership... just ensure they are never unsupervised with children... and will be ok

Edited by Inge
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good luck for monday and I agree I think Ofsted will love to see the parents involvement


remember that up and down the country on a daily basis parent and toddler groups run, parents and children mix and mingle without any one panicking about CRB's and Ofsted dont close these groups or advise parents to become CRB checked


a CRB doesnt protect a child from abuse, good safeguarding practise does, if you have done your risk assessments and take time at the start of the session to tell parents any ground rules about being alone with the children Im sure Ofsted will see that you've done all you can.


enjoy your time with the parents

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