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Lifting And Handling Policy For Pre-school

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i have ofsted very soon and need a lifting and handling please if anyone can help i would be very grateful. It is for a pre-school setting

thanks stella53


Hi Stella,

Well, another policy I hadn't ever thought of! :D Has someone told you that you need this one?

Perhaps you could add a sentence or two to either the staff/health and safety policies you have, or the child protection policy? I'm all for reducing the number of policies we hold, to a manageable amount :o


Hi, I think I've read something about this in the H/S stuff we had when we wer checked to have work experience students. i'll check it when I'm in tomorrow :D



we cover it in our risk assessments eg tables take 2 people to carry and number it 1-5 with how much of a risk it is.

Also one of the staff went on a lifting course so came back and relayed everything to us. :D


We do not have a lifting and handling policy either, but we do include advice on lifting and handling in our staff induction pack which we give out to new staff and work experience students etc. I haven't got a copy of this at home (where I am at the moment) I'm afraid. I think we may have bought our lifting and handling advice sheet from an office supplies shop. If you need to write it as a policy you probably need to think about lifting the children as well as equipment - under what circumstances this would be done and how to lift them safely - minimising the risk to you/your staff and the child.


I received a poster from PLA when I got my insurance that shows how to lift safely.




Ah! I think that's probably where we got ours from too then



Thanks to everyone who replied, yes i have been told i need one. unfortunatley i am not a member of the PLA, does this mean i cannot buy the poster from them i woder.


Anyone can buy from PLA thier resources etc. only difference is members get a discount - try the web site to see if they have what U want-

PLA home page


(our poster came with the insurance so may not be available otherwise.)




Thanks to everyone for trying to help with this policy, i now have one. Stella x

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