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Plum Jam Recipe Needed


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Hello there. My plum trees are loaded and I want to make some jam in my breadmaker. However I cant find the recipe anywhere.


Can anyone give me an idea please, if you have a breadmaker can you have a look in your recipe book and see if there's one for plum jam.


Many many thanks

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I've recently changed my breadmaker and this one doesn't give jam instructions!


I've recipes for on the hob though - 1lb plums, 12oz sugar and 1/8th pt water if they're under-ripe.

Simmer the plums in the water (if you're using it) till fruit is soft. Add sugar and stir till dissolved. Boil rapidly to setting point.


It doesn't take long at all - you may find you need to keep it in the fridge if you make a lot - it doesn't keep so well as higher sugar recipes, but I don't like plum jam so be over-sweet - I like to taste the plums!

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