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Hello. Myself and a colleague are considering seting up our own playgroup and getting out of full day care. If anyone out there has done the same, or similar, and has any advice or information it would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks. Jen

Hello. Myself and a colleague are considering seting up our own playgroup and getting out of full day care. If anyone out there has done the same, or similar, and has any advice or information it would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks. Jen

Welcome to the Forum, Jen!


I was chatting the other night to littleanna who said he had done the opposite - moved from pre-school to full day care. It may be worth talking to her about her experiences, even if she moved in the opposite direction!


And hali has been recently looking at setting up on her own too - she can share some of her frustrations with you, I'm sure!


I would also talk to Ofsted about the mechanics of registering a new group, but also to your local authority who will be able to advise on conditions locally.


Good luck with your new venture!




I think the pre-school learning alliance site has some info on this



if your expereinced with the managment side of running a nursery then its basicly a case of transfering those skills


Ive been runnning a preschool for the last 11 years and although I didnt set it up from scratch Ive change almost everything about it and had to move venues and re-register the group


your local early years would be a good place to start they will be able to point you in the right direction of grants and stuff we have a nice man in the business side and he gives all kinds of great support about business management side


its difficult to know where to start but I would start with market research

look at whats already available in and around your area its no point setting up in business if theres already loads of preschools around (your local early years might be able to highlight an area with a gap in childcare)


I hear countless preschools say the same thing as soon as the children are old enough for nursery grant the parents move the children to school nurseries. so if possible I would check your local primary schools if you can be joined to a school youll have better standing in the community than an independent group say in a communuty hall


dont know if thats the kind of things your wondering about?


Ah, thank you for your very prompt replies. :o All of which were very helpful.


I know we have a lot to do before we can even consider if it is do-able or not. We are so fed up with where we are working currently...need a new lease of life!!!


Jen X


my main issue (and still is ) are premises just cannot find any......


make sure you do a comprehensive business plan and include all the provion (or lack of in your area!).


good luck x


Thanks Hali,


have not even started looking for premises yet, although I am constantly looking at every building as i drive along!



Cheers for the advice...everyone has been so helpful.


Good luck to you too.


Jen X

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