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Thanks for this, rosyposy


£61.71 and counting! Am having trouble with the internet this evening so it is taking some time.... but I'll get there in the end!



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was going to say dont let M see this xD - too late!!!!! :o

I did a bit of a rationalisation of my basket though hali - got it down to £63 including post and packaging!



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the book is saw this morning I couldn't find this afternoon and I found the site really slow so think it was full of FSF members shopping!!


next time whisper there's a sale on :o

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Ooh no! Where would be the fun in that! I've just looked at my order - it says my payment is 'pending capture'. It doesn't give any instructions as to what I might need to do about it - but what on earth does it mean?



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Thanks for the link, I have never come accross this site before but have been looking for ways to make my practice more inclusive! Sadly my bank balance isn't going to like me - whoops!


I really like the welcome mat but it says welcome to our classroom and being a childminder, it's not really approrpiate which is a massive shame!


Thanks for the link

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i spent just £30 (didnt want to spend all the budget although it would have been very easy too) however in fact most of that is for me rather than the pre-school i work in--oops!! So many beautiful resources i will be putting that website on my favourites list.


samfrostie :o

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I spent ages putting in an order last night and couldn't get my payment to go through. spoke to them this morning and I think their system had really taken a battering. I think the payment bit means that they aren't processing the payment until they know what is in stock so will only put through what we manage to get. I put an order in for £103 so hoping I get some of it and they aren't sold out.



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To anyone that's ordered from festival shop - have you received your order yet or do you have any indication of delivery times?



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To anyone that's ordered from festival shop - have you received your order yet or do you have any indication of delivery times?

Funnily enough I was thinking about this only yesterday. Just checked my order status and it says "Pending". Should I put 'ring Festival Shop' on my to do list?



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My order says pending too so am thinking about contacting them as I don't recall a estimated delivery time and can't find anything on their website thats states it.

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My order says pending too so am thinking about contacting them as I don't recall a estimated delivery time and can't find anything on their website thats states it.

Well that would save me a job! :o


Let me know what they say - although in my case so long as it shows up for September I'll be happy!



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