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Does anyone know whether Ofsted have to interview the chair and manager of settings previous to the official inspection?


Seems our C'ttee have had a call and are having a visit in a couple of weeks, is this ordinary?


Thank you

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Chair doesn't have a fit person interview, that's leader.


Sounds odd to be getting notice of an inspection.


Wonder if it's in response to a complaint?

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not usual to get notice...


and our chair had a interview when she took over, but that was before EYFS


we always had a letter about complaints unless it was really serious when they turned up on the doorstep no notice...



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Our last Chairperson to the current one had one, but I think this was more that we had an inspection and she then said she would contact the chair to do an SPI. She had already given us our outcomes outstandings/goods so we don't believe it had anything to do with any worries she had.


I was amazed as I didn't realise the Chair had to do one, certainly in the 3 years I'd been committee before hand no one had.

When I contacted our Early Years advisors they told me it was common practice.


Another reason not to volunteer to be on a committee!

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I've never heard of it either but as I'm the chair now, although O dont officially know yet, I'll see what happens. Be interested to know if the O who gave me my SPI when I was playleader is still doing the rounds, she suggested to me the children could play with builders sand when I explained we were having trouble getting some play sand.

Edited by Rea
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I was told by them that I didn't need a SPI when I took over as chair. It then took them 16 months to come and do one for our leader *sigh*

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I was told by them that I didn't need a SPI when I took over as chair. It then took them 16 months to come and do one for our leader *sigh*


Oh that's interesting did you keep chasing them to do your leader? or did you just send in the paperwork at wait for them to turn up. We've been waiting since September for our leader to be done too!

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Funnily enough the previous leader they did the CPI really quickly but we never ever got a printed CRB through despite much shouting about it!

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we had to chase to get the leader done when I left.. took 1 year for them to realise i was no longer leader, but I did still work there at the time, then said they had not had paperwork, and then turned up in 2 weeks of the second set of forms being sent...



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i have been at my nursery for 18mths and not yet had mine yet one of the other managers in our group was inspected within 6 weeks of being in post!

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