Guest Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Hi there Is anyone willing to share their next step planning? I have attached my current one but have been advised by ofsted that we are doing more work than we need to be because it is going on there then being duplicated into the childrens journeys. Im interested to see what other practitioners are doing Debs Next_Steps_Planning.doc
Cait Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 We're not doing separate sheets like this, although it looks excellent. We are recording in the learning journeys what's being achieved and what needs to be scaffolded
Sue R Posted December 30, 2008 Posted December 30, 2008 Hi Debs, That looks good - we plan next steps with parents twice a year at parent consultation evenings. If necessary we meet up between times to review. Sue
sharonash Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 How often are you doing next step planning we have a cycle that roughly goes like this(its not set in stone and needs tweaking) No right place to start in the cycle! At the beginning of 8 weeks or at the end we 1. Do a summary of what the children are interested in or where they need support and how we can take this forward 2. We then plan for week 1 3 We have an observation sheet where we observe them under each area maybe weekly or fortnightly depending on their attendance. 4. We then plan again based on observations and so on until we reach week 8 then we do another summary and update the childrens learning journeys with what we have learnt/ evidence photos etc The 8 wk plan is shared with parents. During the whole 8 week process we do a learning story which is a more detailed observe on the whole child. Hope this helps- we are struggling with ours link it all into planning etc IF ANYONE HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS ON THE ABOVE PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! Happy new year to you all sharon xxx
Guest Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 Hi there Is anyone willing to share their next step planning? I have attached my current one but have been advised by ofsted that we are doing more work than we need to be because it is going on there then being duplicated into the childrens journeys. Im interested to see what other practitioners are doing Debs Like Cait I just record mine in their learning diaries against an observation that particularly lends itself to a next step. However some children seem to have more than others which isn't good. I know it's more work but I think your system looks good for summarising each child's next steps and clearly showing how what you are providing is enabling children to progress in their learning.
Guest Posted December 31, 2008 Posted December 31, 2008 We have been putting it in their learning journeys, but from the 5th we were also going to have a display of the children's pictures with the heading "I am learning how to...." and then filling it in next to the pictures for each child. This is so the parents who can't be bothered to look in their child's tray at least gets to see what the children are working on. It's a very new idea so any comments that could help tweak it are always welcome.
green hippo Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 Hi all, just been catching up again on the forum having made myself have a break from ALL work related things! This thread has made me a little bit worried that I'm not doing things right!! I only record the next steps on the long observations (learning stories) which are sent home for parents to read and add comments and then stuck into their learning journals (1 per half-term). I have a next steps section on my daily evaluation sheet where we suggest next steps from observations made of individual or groups of children while they have been engaged in CI play or TI activity. We do do target sheets twice a year but they don't cover all areas of learning. I'm now wondering whether I'm doing enough?? I like the idea of individual plans but it would be totally unworkable for us as there are only 2 of us with 13 children in our key groups (school nursery) What do others' do? Thanks Green hippoxx
mrsbat Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 We have the children's learning stories in scrap books, we put in pieces of work, photos and mini obs of what they are doing - we try to do one thing for each session. We also do a "long" observation once a term. we do next steps on everything inc photos etc, for example the photo may have the obs "sophie really enjoyed dressing up nd looking at herself in the mirror, she said "don't I look pretty" " we then link that to psed, cll. then the next step would be to provide more dressing up clothes and talk about self care, looking in the mirror to brush hair etc. for the long observation we've then got a planning sheet with what next steps need to be taken under each learning area and how those next steps will be achieved. At the moment all staff are happy and at ease doing the next steps to the short obs and photos etc but we are all struggling with the planning next steps for the long obs mainly because of the sheet we're using I think..... so if anyone has any examples or ideas that they use I would be greatful for a peak
Guest Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 We have the children's learning stories in scrap books, we put in pieces of work, photos and mini obs of what they are doing - we try to do one thing for each session. We also do a "long" observation once a term. we do next steps on everything inc photos etc, for example the photo may have the obs "sophie really enjoyed dressing up nd looking at herself in the mirror, she said "don't I look pretty" " we then link that to psed, cll. then the next step would be to provide more dressing up clothes and talk about self care, looking in the mirror to brush hair etc. for the long observation we've then got a planning sheet with what next steps need to be taken under each learning area and how those next steps will be achieved. At the moment all staff are happy and at ease doing the next steps to the short obs and photos etc but we are all struggling with the planning next steps for the long obs mainly because of the sheet we're using I think..... so if anyone has any examples or ideas that they use I would be greatful for a peak Well after looking on the Essex Grid for Learning I think I am going to try out one of these sheets I am running it by the staff in my team meeting later on tonight we shall see how is goes! EYFS_Next_steps_planning.doc
Guest Posted January 5, 2009 Posted January 5, 2009 I do the same as mrsbat, though not using a scrap book, more like made into a booklet. But I do find that sometimes there just isn't a 'next step' Their journeys are sent home half termly with photos, a focused observation and two or three short obs for each area. Parents have given positive feedback but they do take a fair bit of time to complete. jackie.
green hippo Posted January 6, 2009 Posted January 6, 2009 Hi, dmbz2000 - this format looks similar to the example shown on the EYFS website (the one that scares me!!). Could I ask how you are planning to fill it in e.g. each session adding anything relevant/a certain number of children a week and how you will feed this into your planning? I feel that if I had 25 individual plans to fit into my planning I would go crazy trying to meet the needs of every child - where to start etc, I just can't invisage how it would work in practice. How many children do you have in your key groups? Sorry for all the questions - I keep coming back to these individual plans and getting totally muddled with the whole concept! Thanks Green hippo xx
Guest Posted January 7, 2009 Posted January 7, 2009 Hi,dmbz2000 - this format looks similar to the example shown on the EYFS website (the one that scares me!!). Could I ask how you are planning to fill it in e.g. each session adding anything relevant/a certain number of children a week and how you will feed this into your planning? I feel that if I had 25 individual plans to fit into my planning I would go crazy trying to meet the needs of every child - where to start etc, I just can't invisage how it would work in practice. How many children do you have in your key groups? Sorry for all the questions - I keep coming back to these individual plans and getting totally muddled with the whole concept! Thanks Green hippo xx Well bearing in mind we have had no training as to how these should be filled in, I have made a copy for each child in the setting and then over the next few weeks each key worker will look at what the children need - ie we have a little girl that wont say please thank you or sorry and pput this under PSE then come up with a list of activities that will encourage her to use these words like sharing games or reading stories etc. I think the idea is to fill them in for all the children and the look at which children have the same sort activities needed and plan them over the term. Perhaps looking at what we are planning to do on adult led and group led activities and then marking this somewhere on our weekly sheets. That is the best idea I can come up with at themoment and if it doesn't work then I will think again I suppose - Luckily I have my LA rep coming out on Friday to help me out with a separate matter but i might ask her advice on filling them in then post back my findings? Hope that helps a little bit Debs
Guest Posted January 8, 2009 Posted January 8, 2009 I am also finding the Next Steps planning a nightmare, I have 38 children who come for a variety of sessions a week from 1 session to 10, although a room leader I only work part-time 4 sessions out of 7 run in the pre-school, and getting short/long observations that should lead to next steps done is difficult, for a variety of reason; children with behaviour problems that mean a member of staff has to stay with them at all times, inexperienced staff, lack of sessions for some children, lack of sessions for me, and the fact that I would rather be hands on playing and teaching than writing stuff. The inexperienced staff would benefit by a sheet with the EYFS Development Matters in short form to compare where the child is at to where they should be going, but the tick sheet seems to be a no no. It would be a help if the people who put EYFS together had thought about how to record for each child, and drawn up some plans and guidance. It is so daunting to see how much paperwork time could be spent planning for each unique child. This sounds a muddle but even after one term I still feel inadequate and not on top of the paperwork. I could spend hours sorting paperwork out. Good ideas wanted.
green hippo Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 Debs - did you manage to ask your LA rep about the individual plans on Friday? - interested in how you got on. Is your idea to complete them all at the beginning of a term and refer to them throughout the term? Can I ask whether you plan teacher-led activities that the whole group can join in with or does each key worker plan little activities for their group of children? I'm sitting here surrounded by my and my TA's obs from the week wondering whether I should be following up every observation that I make and then wondering how I can possibly keep track of what each child needs. Oh no - this sounds like I don't know my children - and I do, I'm just struggling with next steps for every child!!!! Thanks Green Hippo x
Guest Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 I think I'm going to stop putting 'next steps' in their learning journeys. Parents have bought them back and I've had one tell me they are teaching their 3 year old child to count to 20, (I'd written that next steps was to count beyond 10) and another tell me they are teaching their child to cut out as I'd written about using mallaeable material because they aren't able to cut out yet. Can't help thinking parents aren't always helpful jackie.
aliamch Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 I had a parent yesterday who wasn't interested in her child's learning journey at all, she just wanted to know when I was going to start teaching her child 'how to read, write and do sums'. Karrie
hali Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 i have to say we have a section on ours that parents fill in , and a section for the child to have thier say - i have had to re send at least 3/4 of them back home this week as they are coming back blank - and when they are being returned the majority say - when are they going to start doing more letters and reading - and the childs section says the same (as if the child is going to say - oww can i do more letter work!) - it is disheartening!
Guest Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 How often are you doing next step planning we have a cycle that roughly goes like this(its not set in stone and needs tweaking) No right place to start in the cycle! At the beginning of 8 weeks or at the end we 1. Do a summary of what the children are interested in or where they need support and how we can take this forward 2. We then plan for week 1 3 We have an observation sheet where we observe them under each area maybe weekly or fortnightly depending on their attendance. 4. We then plan again based on observations and so on until we reach week 8 then we do another summary and update the childrens learning journeys with what we have learnt/ evidence photos etc The 8 wk plan is shared with parents. During the whole 8 week process we do a learning story which is a more detailed observe on the whole child. Hope this helps- we are struggling with ours link it all into planning etc IF ANYONE HAS ANY SUGGESTIONS ON THE ABOVE PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! Happy new year to you all sharon xxx
Guest Posted January 10, 2009 Posted January 10, 2009 dont know what happened to my last post it related to the one displayed- we also use a similar 8 wk cycle as to next steps we do at least one holistic obs per week and then circle what areas of learning have been observed as it is difficult to say you are going to observe an area as they all interlink from the obs we write what the child has acheived, interests shown then pick out the next steps based on the development matters staement, then add implications for planning-ideas for enhancements to continuos provision or adult led activities this is all on one form the room leaders collect all the obs at the end of the week and write up continuous provision planning and whole/small grou activiies that try to meet all the needs of the children, it seems to be working ok for now- the obs are then handed back to the keypersons and put in childrens folders
Beau Posted January 11, 2009 Posted January 11, 2009 dont know what happened to my last post it related to the one displayed Hi jaycooks. If you click on the reply button located on a particular post then the post you are replying to is quoted in your own reply. In this case you can type your bit after the quoted bit and it appears separately in your reply. If you don't want to quote a post in your reply then use the 'add reply' or 'fast reply' buttons right at the bottom of the thread.
Guest Posted February 2, 2009 Posted February 2, 2009 from the obs we write what the child has acheived, interests shown then pick out the next steps based on the development matters staement, then add implications for planning-ideas for enhancements to continuos provision or adult led activities this is all on one form the room leaders collect all the obs at the end of the week and write up continuous provision planning and whole/small grou activiies that try to meet all the needs of the children, it seems to be working ok for now- the obs are then handed back to the keypersons and put in childrens folders Hi would it be possible to have a look at the form you use-I like to have everything together. How many observations a week do you do in this way. I am trying to do 3 focused observations a week-I really look closely at the 3 focus children in a whole variety of contaxts, record the learning I have seen and the learning needs (next steps) I then alter or enhance the cont. prov. and plan Teacher Directed activities based on those 3 childrens needs. The cycle starts agin the following week with 3 new focus children. I like this system but do find I never really have chance to follow up on the focus children i.e. were the p[lanned experiences for learning adequate or not, because by then Im focusing on others! Do you think Im doing this in the right way? If I had to observe all the children over a week I think I would only be able to look at certain areas and not the whole child. Comments welcome! Thanks Candy
Guest Posted February 2, 2009 Posted February 2, 2009 Debs - did you manage to ask your LA rep about the individual plans on Friday? - interested in how you got on.Is your idea to complete them all at the beginning of a term and refer to them throughout the term? Can I ask whether you plan teacher-led activities that the whole group can join in with or does each key worker plan little activities for their group of children? I'm sitting here surrounded by my and my TA's obs from the week wondering whether I should be following up every observation that I make and then wondering how I can possibly keep track of what each child needs. Oh no - this sounds like I don't know my children - and I do, I'm just struggling with next steps for every child!!!! Thanks Green Hippo x No didnt get a chance to speak to her about it but we have gone back to using our old next steps planning the girls didn't like the new one and even though the ofsted lady told us we were doing too much work the girls are used to working in this way now and it doesn't seem like too much work for them. I have adapted the sheet slightly and added the 4 eyfs principles on the bottom of the sheet and we are now using the brilliant continuous provision sheets that some one posted on here as our planning with a new weekly plan sheet that I have adapted Ill stick them all on you can tell me what you think Debs Next_Steps_Planning.doc my_short_term_planning.doc
Guest Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 Is it poss to get a copy of the brilliant continuous development sheets? I've changed my about 50 times already this year!
Cait Posted February 26, 2009 Posted February 26, 2009 Which ones Sarah? Welcome to the Forum, if I've not already said so. There have been lots uploaded onto the forum and if you do a search you'll find a lot.
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