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Late Night/ Early Morning Postings

louby loo

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Last night I noticed someone couldn't sleep and was posting... so I thought I'd start a post (my first ever) for the can't sleepers


I have a very old dog who has to 'pay a visit' to the garden in the wee small hours - she takes so long with her 'routine' I have now gotten into the habit of checking the forum while waiting for her... I would go back to bed but I'd fall asleep and leave her out to freeze!


So the point of this post is for people to add their random can't sleep comments.



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What a good idea!


Because I generally can't get any assignment work done until I absolutely have to until the deadline is looming I often work through the night until its done. Even when I'm just staying up to finish something before bedtime I can't resist logging in to see if anyone has posted since I was in last!


The only time I post in the early morning is when I haven't been to bed!



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I've noticed that!! I'm like you in that respect ...... I have two assignments due in just over a weeks time - so think I'll be up late without the help of the dog!!

What are you studying?

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its nice to know ur not alone at this time of night!!!


I am heading up to bed shortly, put my son to be 2nite and fell asleep with him in his bed!! Its given me a second wind!

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hello can i join for once been up since 5am - does that count Maz????? :o

Of course it does hali - by the time you're reading this it will be over. Well done you!


Now its just the waiting game... xD



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