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Not been on for a long time but hope you can help....


Can any one recommend any 'Big' story books, that children love because you become really animated and the children get involved whilst you are telling the story?


I know you will all have your favourites so look forward to hearing about them! :o




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Peace at last!

Lots of very involved children with this one - very animated and joining in with the repetitive phrases - "Oh NO!" said Mr Bear, "I can't STAND THIS"


OOh and 'My Cat Likes to hide in boxes'


and 'There's a shark in the park!'


and Room on the broom always good for a laugh and nice wide actions


(I just love books where you can get really animated!)

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"Ridiculous!" by Michael Coleman and Gwyneth Williamson


You can put on the different voices of the animals when they say "A tortoise out in winter? That's RIDICULOUS!"


Very very popular with our children :o

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