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Effective Early Years Practitioner

Guest Wolfie

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I'm mentoring a Foundation Degree student and her first assignment has the title "What makes an effective early years practitioner?"


I've pointed her in the direction of various articles and pieces of research but wondered if anyone can recommend any books that they think would be particularly helpful?


Thank you! :o

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Margaret Edgington's Foundation Stage Teacher in Action was recommended by Helen Bilton as one of the few 'must have' books for early years practitioners. :o


Will have another think - but anything about reflection will almost certainly be of value!



Edited by HappyMaz
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Just visited the book case! I'm not sure what books are on her recommended reading list, but I've just had a quick look at a couple of my FDEd texts:-


Essential Early Years - starts with a good chapter on becoming a reflective practitioner - here's the Amazon link


Advanced Early Years Care and Education has loads of good stuff (although it might be interspersed with other bits!) - here's the 'look inside' link to Amazon (although there is a second edition now!).



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Thanks for that! :o I've got lots of books in my bookcase but they're not necessarily the most up to date so I just wanted to check! I do have one of the ones Maz mentioned which is good! xD

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